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- #Lusitania
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- therefore
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- witnesses
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- parts
- story
- purpose
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- mistakes
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- legal malpractice
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- insuring agreement
- discovery
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- happy
- understand
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- answers
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- advice
- complete
- agreement
- should
- expert witnesses
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- Justice
- existing
- firms
- their
- problems
- commandment
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- statutes
- wrongful act
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- income
- losses
- policy–part
- world
- counsel
- Jurisprudence
- Michael
- attorneys
- blogs
- assume
- experts
- intent
- adjusters
- Plaintiff
- management
- prudent
- woman
- against
- menchaca
- american
- quinn’s
- omissions
- courage
- dismiss
- law firms
- adjusting
- appraisal
- insuring
- again
- client
- lawyer-part
- cases
- crimes:
- Trump
- failed
- insurer bad faith
- insurance bad faith
- contents
- claims made
- Semantics
- semantic
- observations
- attorney
- catastrophe
- state
- #Disbarment
- expert testimony
- #Cyber#Insurance
- property damage
- insurance adjustment
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- cyber policy
- reinsurance
- clauses
- performance,
- insured?
- circuit
- appeals
- frequent
- small
- professional
- errors
- short
- defense
- aging
- #Definitions
- deposition questions
- court order
- #LusitaniaInsurance
- Probate
- #LawyerCrime
- #DepositionQuestions
- good lawyer
- Levit
- Linder
- willpower
- federal court
- lawyer ethics
- Nancy Levit
- linguistic
- sanctions
- advocacy
- #Digital#Insurance
- common law
- cyber insurance policies
- structures
- service provider
- unique
- maritime
- endorsements
- premiums
- Supreme Court of Texas
- Summary judgment
- Fiduciary
- reaching
- fundamentals
- cooperate
- interruption
- united
- century:
- will,
- statements
- basis
- don’t
- breach
- expenses
- doctrine
- written
- concept
- foundation
- foundations
- 2014,
- (part
- empathy
- clients’
- damages
- opinion
- queue
- first?
- commission
- mixed
- case”:
- versus.
- judicial
- ambiguity
- mediation
- bullshit
- final judgment
- #Expert#Witness
- #Subrogation
- #LusitaniaLitigation#Probate
- #LyingLawyers
- #LawyerEthics
- #legalmalpractice
- great lawyer
- defamation
- trolling
- ugly
- case within the case
- #Chesley
- staff
- unhappiness
- #Compensation
- duty of good faith and fair dealing
- Look for Coverage
- pricing
- matter of law
- Technological Professional Liability
- technological services
- privacy incident
- cyber extortion insurance
- insurance appraisals
- practices
- Precedent
- underwriting,
- supplement
- fifth
- charles
- civility
- disbarred:
- kentucky
- unhappy
- opinions:
- whose
- duties
- process
- “wrongful
- speak
- situations
- logic
- coming
- principles
- divorce
- defending
- characteristics
- empathetic
- being
- "Lessons"
- Law Professor
- preaching
- extortion
- judicial decision
- "Prenda
- #tripartite
- #Kronman
- #Lusitania#Vanderbilt
- #LegalMalpracticeTexas
- #Fiduciaries
- #Linder&Levit
- #TheGoodLawyer
- Kahneman
- courageous
- #StanleyChesley
- invasion of privacy
- legal advice
- insurance agents
- "if then
- #Doug#Linder
- lawyer unhappiness
- "amazing
- copyright
- insurance-underwriting
- cyber world
- public official
- insurance history
- special relationship
- declaration page
- technological negligence
- #Ironshoe
- Virtual World
- computing
- privacy regulation
- privacy wrongful act
- cyber security insurance
- appraisal clause
- Texas Insurance Code
- cloud
- To Tell the Truth
- Leading question
- Cross-examination
- suez
- 2021
- Professional liability insurance
- Identity theft
- demolished:
- twenty-first
- attacked
- fowles’
- professionalism
- fees:
- excessive
- learning
- elementary
- process–part
- [sketch
- today?”
- Belief
- Employment
- “the
- lesson
- causes
- five:
- what?
- dealing,
- realism
- criminal–
- lies:
- insureds
- discourse:
- seven:
- eight:
- lloyds;
- brief
- payment
- problem
- interpreting
- ortiz
- salvage
- barbara
- (tppca)
- technology
- rule:
- donald
- dissenting
- requests
- property
- election
- solution
- agent
- so-called
- rights,
- current
- anthology
- sinking
- paradox?
- workers
- excess
- quite
- husband
- causation
- death”
- nationals,
- years
- concurrent
- after
- trading
- indiscretion
- reports
- statutory
- destruction
- commentary
- rehearing
- style
- debtors
- answering
- local
- odd-ball
- admission
- according
- suits:
- prompt
- chief
- hecht
- murder
- happiness
- really
- mandamus
- lincoln
- advertising
- billing
- and/or
- lawsuits,
- markets
- concur
- dissent
- thoughts
- “patrick’s
- argument,
- stealing
- among
- banks,
- stories
- procrastination
- framing
- contemporary
- loss,
- ideas,
- given'[*]
- #Instructions
- legal argument
- counterfeit
- Harry-G-#Frankfurt
- Quinn's Questions
- #CompensationAwards
- adjudged
- ordered by a court
- suspended from practice
- #LawyerUnretirement
- Lusitania#Salvage
- #F.Gregg Bemis#Lusitania
- #LegalEthics#TripartiteProblem
- #Lusitania#JonesCase; Lusitania#Bastardy; #Lusitania#Iowa#Wales
- #MixedClaimCommission
- #Vanderbilt#Scion#Drowned
- #War#Risk#Insurance
- #Legal#FormalismV.#Legal#Progressivism
- #Lusitania#Litigation
- WillofCharles#Fowles
- #SurvivorshipRights
- #DoubleIndemnity
- #LawyerStabbedToDeath
- *FiduciaryDutiesLawyers
- #Easte#rJill #Kelli#Peters #OrangeCountyBar
- #CharlesTaylor
- #L'Wren
- #RollingStone'sInsurancePolicy
- #SirMick--Policyholder
- #LawyerCrimes
- #LawyerCivility
- #Lawyer&Lying
- #Lawyers=ClientFiduciaries
- #LyingInNegotiations
- #LegalAgents
- #RichardSusskind
- #Linder&Levitt
- intuition & reasoning
- The Righteous
- Thinking Fast
- #Fen-Phen
- insurance brokers
- legal agents
- blogging
- First Amendment
- public concern
- leading questions in legal malpractice depositions
- attorney malpractice
- #LawOfLawyering
- lying in trials
- lying in negotiations
- Objections
- #Lawyer#Unhappiness
- curing lawyer unhappiness
- Doug Linder
- #Charterhouse
- #Parma
- #Stendhal
- #CLE
- Continuing Legal Education
- how not to
- "OK
- incompetent lawyer
- proof of damages
- #TexasLegalMalpractice
- #DepositionQuestion
- #StanleyMChesley
- lawyer malpractice
- law practice
- #Information
- Lexington
- Insurance Adjusters
- insurance policy interpretation
- #LusitaniaSinking#Insurance
- #Liability#Insuance#DutyToDefend
- Retail Ventures
- cyber space
- insurance litigation
- statutory insurer bad faith
- Zoom
- claims process
- empirical matter
- cyber liabilities policies
- #IronshoeInsurancePolicy#CyberInsuancePolicyAnalysis
- Cyber-World Insurance
- Cyberworld Insurance
- cyber ethics
- coverage suggestions
- Cybersecurity Insurance
- appraisals in adjustment
- uniqueness
- comprehensive general liability policy
- first-party property insurance
- The New York Times
- Deposition (law)
- Subpoena
- Deception
- Case law
- Restatements of the Law
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Moral hazard
- Alaska Supreme Court
- Proximate cause
- Tautology (logic)
- dewey,
- cliches
- handling,
- creations
- covid
- insurance–part
- space”
- Virtual reality
- richards
- addresses
- defective
- Kentucky Supreme Court
- executive
- famous
- approach:
- recommendations)
- The Wall Street Journal
- epistemology
- sound
- dedicated
- computer
- discussion:
- negligent
- misrepresentation.
- Big data
- crooks
- Electronic publishing
- nomenclature
- revolutionary
- cyberpolicy–part
- rhetoric
- ridiculous.
- arrogant
- idiot?
- lectures
- follies:
- bibliography:
- in-house
- principle
- international
- affairs
- interpretation
- settling
- “settlement
- order'”
- structure
- conduct:
- accepted
- principal
- examples
- agents,
- brokers,
- agency
- testing,
- scandal
- prick,
- barred
- piece
- lawyers–part
- other
- profession
- tacky
- tactics
- service,
- “never
- education?
- axiom:
- carefully
- anthony
- exclusion
- eleven
- four:
- dueling
- avoid
- capacities
- civil
- Lawyer Says No Not Want You
- No Says Lawyer to Service Shopper
- nothing-but-the-truth
- oath-governing-testimony
- swearing_to_tell_the_truth
- whole_truth
- witness_in_court
- witness-in-deposition
- #IT_error_causes-malpractice
- information-technology
- IT_lawf irms
- Lawyer_as_IT_cheapskate
- debt-collectors
- costume_&_subjugation
- courtroom_dress_rules
- courtroom-costume
- courtroom-dress
- "Relearning"
- Aging-Lawyer
- Lying_good? Lying_Inevitable? Lying-Oaths
- "Admit"_&_"Deny"_Not_Fit_Together
- Anthony_Kronman: Philosopher of Law
- Legal_Malpractice Not Simply Negligence
- Legal-Malpractice-Cause-of-Action Includes Many Others
- Appearance_Entails_Reality_"Trash" Argument
- Invalid-Legal-Argument
- Request-For-Admissions (Texas): Two Theories
- #Discovery_in_Lawsuits
- " "pertaining to
- " "tending to evidence
- " "tending to relate to
- " "tending to support
- "Overbroad"-Discovery
- "relating to
- Lawsuit_Discovery
- Written_Discovery
- Lawyer_Fraud
- Lawyes_Lie_Lots
- Legal_Malpractice
- Lying_Lawyers
- Legal_Positivism
- Natural_Law
- Philosophy_of_Law
- Trump_v._Islam
- trumping_Trump Donald_the_Disgraceful
- Confucious
- Confucious_and_Law
- Elderly_Lawyers
- hire_100_year-old_lawyer? lawyer_working-at-100! Lawyer_quits_practice_at_104
- Old-Age_and_Lawyering
- deposition of physician
- lawyer-dress
- half-truths
- lying by omission
- lawyer_discourse_exaggeration
- legal_brief_writing
- wrong_doing
- wrong-doing
- wrongdoing
- wrongful_omissions
- wrongful-omissions
- wrongfulomissions
- fiduciary_to_employees
- tac evasion
- taxes fiduciary duties
- #Civil_Litigation
- #Discovery #Request_for_#Admission
- deposition errors
- errors in taking testimony
- silly deposition_taking
- Classified Documents
- computer server
- Confidential Documents
- email-gate
- Hillary's email inabilities
- Secret Documents
- Top Secret
- "anti-Trump-negotiation-principles
- #negotiation_litigation
- honorable_#negotiation_tactics
- litigation_#negotiation
- . #Hillary's_#email_#lawyers
- #e-discovery_and-#Hillary's_#emails
- #Hillary_#emails_#FBI
- #Hillary-and-#Comey
- #Roy-#Cohn
- Trump's Lawyer
- Center_for_Birds_of_Prey
- lawyer_crime
- Migratory_Bird_Treaty_Act
- red-tailed hawk
- Blame Lawyers
- Fire Lawyers
- Political Salvation
- and taunting
- confidently relaxed
- courtroom argument
- courtroom oratory
- courtroom rhetoric
- deposition strategy
- lawyer argument
- sneering
- Viagra
- #Whyte_a_poet
- #Whyte-and-conversation
- #Whyte: Nature-of-the_Legal_Profession
- David_Whyte
- The #Three_Marriages
- "Rubino Fallacy"
- $2000.00_legal_fees
- highest price v. best performance
- Legal_Fees
- Theory of Second Best
- Imprudence of a Judge
- Judicial Gaiety
- Judicial Homo-Corruption
- Official Porn and Porning
- Photo-Pron and the Law
- Photographic Artistry
- Frankfurt
- lawyers as bullshitters
- post-modernism and bullshit
- Frankfurt_on_#Egalitarianism
- Lawyer and Spiritual Depth
- Lawyers and Happiness
- Lawyers and Love of Law
- #Find-_Law_Yuuk=Suck
- #Thompson_Reuters
- #WestLaw--Praiseworthy
- #WestLawNext--Splendid
- litigation and money
- #Duty_of_#Happiness
- #Lawyer_Ethics
- Happy Lawyers
- Lawyer Duties to Clients
- Legal Ethics. #Legal_Ethics
- #Shaquille
- Local Rules of Court
- Rule 16.2.e
- #Aging_Lawyers
- #Unretirement_of_Lawyers
- #rebuttable_presumption
- Lawyer_Counsel_and_Counselor
- Family Violent Lawyer
- Lawyer Against Lawyer Traps
- Lawyer Traps for Drunkards
- Lawyer Traps for Lustful Lawyers
- Lawyer Traps for Opposing Counsel
- Manipulative Traps
- Traps for the Sinful Lawyer
- Traps of Indiscretion
- In Court Judicial Crimes
- In-Court Dangers for Defendants
- Judge Committed Crime
- Shocking Crimes of Judges
- Extortion From but Favorable to a Person
- Creditor v. Debtor
- defending debtors
- " #MegynKelly. Fat Pig
- "The Donald
- #temperament
- #temperment
- First Debate
- First Republican Debate
- Belief and Advocacy
- Cicero as Lawyer
- Elegant Advocacy for Lawyers
- Falsity and Advocacy
- Stoicism for Lawyers
- #Compensation. #Damages. #CompensationAnd#Damages
- #CompensationTexasLaw
- #SlaveryAnd#Tort#DamagesInAmerica
- #TexasSpCt-#DamagesAwards
- #TexSpCt2016
- "GayDivorce #Chancellor Jeffrey #Atherton
- #GayMarriages
- #Spinoza
- court decreed
- judicial decree
- judicially decreed
- Lightspeed Media
- Paul_Hansmeier
- Prenda's Lawyer Ethics
- Attorney Bad Faith
- Judge Richard Posner.
- #EnbridgePipelines
- #Evinger#Timber
- #Land#Values#Condemnation
- legal malpractice; #Legal#Malpractice DefenseCounselAndDefendingInsurers;
- ##LincolnMoonlightCase
- #Lawyer-Statesman
- #LincolnAlmanacCase
- Abraham#LincolnAs#Lawyer; #RailroadsVersus#ShipsAnd
- Boats; #EffieAfton; #SteamboatHits#Bridge1856
- ShipsAmerica1856
- #Aaron#James
- #AssholeAs#Lawyer
- #Assholes
- #Assholes:A Theory
- #LawyerAs#Asshole
- #Texas#Legal#Fees; #Texas#LodestarFor#Legal#Fees' #TexasDisciplinaryRuleof#Professional#Conduct#1.04; #Texas#Legal#Ethics#1.04; #Texas#BlockBilling;;#Unscionable#Legal#Fees#Texas
- #Block#Billing#Hourly#LegalFees
- #Hourly#Legal#Fee#Billing
- #Reasonable#Legal#Fees
- #DepositionQuestionWording
- #ReachOut
- #Discovery#Sanctions#Justice
- #Legal#Ethics#Civilized#Morality
- #Legal#Ethics#Sanctions
- #BarteringAnd#Legal#Fees
- #BarteringDrugsAnd#Legal#Fees
- #Client#Advertising
- #Illegal#BarteringAnd#LegalFees
- #LegalFees#Client#Revolt
- #Prostitution#Legal#Fees
- #SexAs#Legal#Fees
- #Texas#Law#Hawk
- #GaeltachtandTheIslands; #Irish#Supreme#Court; #Irish#High#Court; #Gregg#Bemis
- #Heritage
- #LusitaniaAndIrishLaw; #Ministerfor#Arts
- #Human#DignityAnd#Constitutional#Law
- #Obergefell's#Disgraceful#Dissent
- #Same#Sex#Marriage#Constitution
- #Divorce#Lawyer#HackedWith#Hatchet
- #LawyerForWife#Criminally#Attacked
- #MurderOf#Divorce#LawyerAttempted
- OnBeing#HackedOff
- #FraudOnA#Court
- #Paralegal#Supervision
- #Paralegals
- Carlos#Argueta
- Pascal#Krummenacher
- #Lawyer#Billing
- #Lawyer#Hourly#Billing
- #Legal#Fees; #Block#Billing
- #AgingLawyer#QuitsPracticeForMurderSeeking
- #AgingLawyerDealsHeroin
- #AgingLawyerSolicitsMurder
- #Unretirement:Lawyer
- #UnretirementByAttempting#MurderConspiracy
- *SuperLawyersMagazine
- #Texas#Attorney#Advertising
- #Texas#FamilyLaw#Advertising
- #Abe's#Attorney#Fee#Dispute#1857
- #Lincoln'sLawPractice
- A #Lincoln#Legal#FeeDispute
- #Expert#Witness#Legal#Fees
- #Legal#Fees#Conroversies. #Legal#Fees#Reasonable? #Legal#FeeDisputes:#LawyerAs#Expert#Witness
- #CaravaggioAnd#TakingOf#Christ#Lawyer;. #Lawyer#Jesuit#Caravaggio#Dublin#Taking;#LawyerAnd#Lost#Art
- #Bad#Lawyers
- #BullshitOnthe#Lawyer#Psyche
- #Lawyer#Joy
- #Lawyer#Misery
- #Overworked#LawyersAnd#Strokes
- #StrokesFor#Lawyers
- #DivorceLawyerMurderedAndRaped
- #FamilyLawAttorney#Rapedand#Murdered
- #Forensic#Expert#Reports
- #InsiderTradingand#Lawyer
- #Lawyer#Criminal#Punishment
- #LawyersPunishment#HomeConfinement
- #Legal#Fees#Uneasonable. #Legal#Fees#Unscionable
- #Legal#Fees#Unethical
- #Unconscionable#Legal#Fees
- #LegalEthicsAnd#ClientsWith#Tatoos
- #TatooedCriminalDefenedant
- #TatoosAndCriminalTrial
- Clients With Tatoos
- Tatooed Clients
- #GreggBemis
- #LawOfFinds
- #SupremeCourtof#Ireland
- #CourtOfQueensBench#Lusitania
- #BestOf#Bullshit
- #LawyerHiring:TheArt
- #Insurance#Defense#Lawyers
- #Lawyer#ConflictsOfInterest
- #ABA#ModelRule#1.8(j)
- #ClientLawyer#Sex #AttorneyClient#Sex #ClientAttorney#Sex
- #LawerClient#Sex
- #CellPhonePrivacy
- #PocketCallPrivacy
- #PocketCallsAnd#LegalEthics
- #LegalEthics; #TexasDisciplinaryRulesOfProfessionalConduct
- #UnethicalBlockingJusticeToTheOld
- #UnethicalObstructionOfRoutesToTruth
- #ZealousRepresentation; #LawyerDuties; #LawyerDutyToJustice
- #Fraudulent#LiensFiled; #Criminal#HarassmentOf#Lawyers; #Criminal#HarassmentOf#Judges
- #Lusitania#MixedClaimCommission
- #Lusitania#Hopkins
- Lusitania#MixedClaimsCommission#Hopkins' #MixedClaimsCommissionDocketNumber4
- #Charles#Fowles#Daughter #Luisitania
- #Lusitania#Wrongful#DeathCases
- #VanderbiltAlfred#Wrongful"DeathClaim
- Lusitania#legal#malpractice?
- #ChristopherB#Garnett; JohnJ#McCloy
- #Lusitania#WrongfulDeathDamages
- #TreatyOf#Berlin
- #CardozoJustice
- #FowlesWill#Probate; #LusitaniaLigation
- #Surrogate#Fowler; #Page#SupremeCourt--AppellateDivision
- #Lusitania#LifeInsuranceDispute
- #Lusitania#ProbateDispute
- #PublicAdmnistratorSurrogateNewYork
- #Rightof#Survivorship--"Ancient"
- #ShultzSurrogateNewYork
- #LusitaniaLitigation#Probate #Fowles(Charles)#Will; #Fowles(Frances)#Will; #CardozoJustice
- #Cardozo
- #Lusitania#Fowles'Will
- #Formalist#Legal#Reasoning
- #FowlerSurrogate
- #Lusitania#Fowles
- #Robert#Ludlow#Fowler
- #Surrogate'sCourtNY
- InReHammer
- #FowlesFrances#Beneficiary
- FowlesCharles
- FowlesFrances
- #Lawyer#Murdered#"Disgraceful"#Circumstances
- #Lawyer#StabbedTo#DeathIn#Hotel
- #Lusitania#Workers#Compensation Rights
- #LusitaniaAnd#Progressivism
- #Accident#LifeInsurance
- #Insurance#Regulation#NewYork
- #Justice#Hughes
- #LusitaniaDeath
- #VanSlyke
- #LusitaniaLitigation #Lusitania#LifeInsuranceAjudication
- #Life#InsuranceAnd#PearlHarborAttack
- #Mixed#Claims#Commission
- #War#Risk#Exclusion;
- #Lusitania#251F.715
- #LusitaniaLimitationCase
- #LusitaniaPersonalInjuryCases
- #LusitaniaSinks#FederalCourt
- #ShipownersLimitationofLiabilityActof1851
- #LordMersey
- #Lusitania#Turner
- #LusitianaSank--#Why? #Lusitania#BritishAdministrativeProceeding
- #MurderessGets24Years
- #CliftonIdaho
- #Dead#WakeBook
- #Disbarment#KahnMontana
- #Eggermont
- #EspionageAct(1917)
- #LordDayLord
- Book#Lusitania#EdwardianAge
- George#Will
- LostLuggageDamageLimitations
- #LawyerMurdered
- #LawyerStealsFromLawFirm
- #VirginaCLE #LawyerDrunkard #Legal#Ethics #LawyersConcernedForLawyers
- #VirginiaBarAssociation #LawyersHelpingLawyers
- #Lawyer#Conduct#Principles
- #Lawyers'#FiducairyDuties
- #Alabama#FairTrialTaxFund
- #Robert#Stallings#Crook
- #StallingsRobert--ACrook
- #Criminal#Framing
- #Easte#rKent
- #EmbarrassingCrime
- #LawyerEmbarrasment
- #LegalEthicsOf#Framing
- #TaylorCharles #SourcesOfTheSelf
- #Lawyers&Crimes #UPL #UnauthorizedPracticeOfLawyer
- #BonillaTexas
- #CelisCorpusChristi
- #Northwestern#LLM
- #UnauthorizedPracticeOfLaw
- #UPL-Crime #PhoneyLawyer&UPL
- #Arson
- #ArsonOfLawyer'sResidence #ArsonContraCounsel
- #AgingLawyerProblems #ElectronicMarketingandtheCyberBamboozeledLawyer
- #AncientTruthsAboutContemporaryMarketingforLawyers
- #ElectronicMarketingforNoviceLawyers
- #ValuableLawyer-to-LawyerAdvising
- #Analects
- #AnalectsForLawyers
- #Confucius #AnalecticalReasoning
- #Confucius&Lawyers #Lawyers#Confucius #Analects#Lawyers #Lawyers#Analects
- #SchumanMichael
- Confucius#Schuman
- #LegalRealismLectureNotes
- "HackBanksForProfit
- #HackersRaidBigBanksFor#$Millions #HackersInsertMalwareIntoBankNetworks#$Millions #HackingFinancialInstitutions
- #LawyerEthics&Hacking
- #MalwornOut
- #AEGLive
- #L'Wren'sRapidDeath&Mick'sQuickRecovery. #L'Wren'sQuasiLifeInsurancePolicyt
- #L'WrenScottSuicide
- #StoneTouringServicesLLP
- #LegalBilling #LegalMalpracticeCases #LegalFeesInPursuitofUnpaidLegalFeesCases #LegalFeesInDefendingLegalMalpracticeCases #LegalBillingInLegalMalpracticeCases
- #ExpertWitnessesInDivorceCases #ExpertWitnessesRegardingLawyersInDivorceCases
- #LegalMalpracticeInDivorceCases #LegalMalpracticeInProvidingAdvice
- #ChristesonCase&TrulyWretched/OutrageousLawyering #ChristesonCase&ShamefulLawyering
- #LawyersSeekingWritOfHabeasCorpusInCapitalMurderCase' #ChristesonCaseAndLegalEthics
- #AgingLawyers #AncientAttorneys #AgingCriminalLawyers
- #OldLawyersAndFunCrimes #OldAttorneysAndHilarousCriminality
- #LawyersToDrumOutOfCorp&Courts
- #LegalMalpracticeGrantPrizeWinner
- #LegalMalpracticeOutrageous
- #LegalMalpracticeShameful #LegalMalpracticeSinnerSurvivesAlas
- #Kronman(Yale)#Jurisprudence #LAWYER-STATESMAN
- #KronmanAnthony
- #Lawyers& Regrets
- #LawyersBeingFriendsToThemselves
- #Regret&#BeingAFriendToOne'sSelf
- #LawyerMentorship
- #MentorshipAsProBono
- #MentorshipKey--BigLawFirms
- #AttorneyWeaknesses
- #LawyerDangers
- #LawyerFlaws
- #Lawyers(Some)NeedTherapy
- #Some#LawyersNeedHelp
- #AttorneyCrimes
- #Lawyer'sSanctionableConduct. #SanctionableConductOfAttorneys
- #LawyeringSatisfactoryIfPracticedCivilly
- #LawyeringSatisfactoryOnlyIfCivilized&Restrained
- #LawyeringSatisfactoryOnlyIfNoUnjustifiableofLegalSystem&Judges
- #Lawyers&ConflictsofInterest
- #LawyersServingClientsWithContraryIInterests#Forbidden
- #LawyersandConfidentiality
- #Lawyer#Promptness #Promptness#LegalMalpractice
- #Lawyer#Reasonableness
- #Promptness#Lawyer#Virtue #Being#TimelyAnd#Lawyer#Excellence
- #Reasonable#Supreme#Lawyer#Virtue
- NatureOf
- #LawyerFelony#Disbarment
- lawyers go to prison
- #ImproperLegalFees
- #Legal Fees
- #LegalFeesExcessive
- #LegalFeesHourlyBilling
- #LegalFeesImproper
- #LyingLawyeringNoNo
- #Lawyer's#Worst#Legal#Sin=StealingClientMoney
- #CriminalDefenseLawyersAndInsurers
- #InsurersAndCriminalDefenseLawyers
- #AgingLawyers #AttorneyRetirement #RetirementForLawyers #LawyersAging&Quitting #Unretirement
- #LegalMalpracticeDamages
- #LegalMalpracticeExpertWitness
- #AmericanLegalHistory
- #JamesCCarter
- #KronmanYale
- #LostLawyer
- #LostLawyerFound?
- #LegalEthicsTypes. #LegalProfessionEthics
- #LegalProfessionIdeals
- #ProfessionalEthicsfor Attorneys #LegalEthicsRulesof
- #ExpertWitness&Judge #ExpertWitness&LegallySufficientEvidence #TexasLawExpertWitness #ExpertWitnessTexasLaw
- #ExpertWitnessTesting
- #AttorneysAreClientFiduciaries
- #FiduciaryDuties&Attorneys
- #DepositionsOfLawyers
- #LegalMalpracticeDepositionQuestions
- #LegalMalpracticeDepositions #LegalMalpractice
- #LegalMalpracticeDiscovery
- #InsuranceAndLootedArt
- #LawyerListenForDetailsAndNuance
- #LawyersListenCarefully
- #LawyersListenCarefullyToWitnessTestimony
- #LawyersListentoWitnessTestimony
- #LawyersLie
- #LawyersLyingInNegotiations
- #AllWitnessesLie
- #EveryGoodTrialLawyerKnowsAllWitnessesLie
- #GoodLawyers
- #WitnessesLie
- #DanielMarkovitz
- #LawyersLying
- #LawyersMustLie
- #Liars
- #ProfessionalPrevaricators
- "AgentFiduciary
- #LawyersFiduciaries. #LawyerFiduciary
- #BadJudges; #JudicialCrimes
- #JudgeCrimes
- #In-HouseCounsel
- #InHouseLegalDepartmentsGrow
- #IPOinsurance
- #LegalMalpracticeInsurance
- #AttorneyClientRelationship
- #LawyerClientRelationship
- #CareerLessonsMichaelCascio
- #MichaelCascio
- #MichaelCascioOnWork
- #MichaelCasioPreLawSchoolEducation
- #PreLawSchoolEducation
- #LegalMalpracticeEnhancement
- #LegalMalpracticeExposure
- #RandallW.Roth
- #Deposition"NeverVolunteer"
- #DepositionAdvice
- #DepositionPrinciple
- #DivorceLawyer'sWebsite-Wisdom?
- #DivorceLawyerDeceived
- #DivorceLawyerPublicity
- #DivorceLawyerWisdom
- #LawyerDefrauded
- # LitigationLawyering: #AttorneyTackyTactics
- #LitigationLawyering:The"WeHaveInsurance"Defense
- #Linder&LevitTheGoodLawyer
- #TheGoodLawyer; #TheGoodLawyer&CyberAge
- #AttorneyCikvilityRequirement
- #AttorneyIncivilityResponses
- #LawyerCivilityRequirement
- #LawyerIncivilityResponses
- #LawyerInciviliy&LawyerRestraint
- #Lawyers&Clients'"TrueInterests"
- #PersuasiveLawyer
- Deliberative Thinking
- Intuitive Reasoning
- Lawyers & Storytelling as Reasoning
- Lawyers & Storytelling as Persuasion
- #DouglasOLinder #DouglasLinder #NancyLevit
- #ThinkingFast&ThinkingSlow
- #LawyerCastration
- #LawyerSelfCastration
- #Linder&Levit #TheGoodLawyer.
- #MayoIra
- #representing-women-forbidden
- mind-set
- persistence
- quality lawyer and willpower
- willpower and good lawyer
- #GoodLawyers&Realism
- #LinderLevit-TheEmpatheticLawyer
- #LinderLevit-TheRealisticLawyer
- #EmpatheticLawyer
- #Empathy&Persuasion
- #Lawyer-Empathy
- EmpatheticCorporateLawyering
- Empathy-for-Lawyers
- Empathy&Justice
- Empathy&Respect
- Haidt
- lawyer courage
- quality lawyer
- true interests
- types of courage
- #CourtOrder:NeverRepresent-Women
- #Lawyer-Castration
- #Lawyer-Suspension-for-Sex
- #Haidt & Righteous
- #Zen-Art; #Linder(Doug); #Levit(Nancy)
- #ExtravagantAttorneys #LawyerEgotism
- #LawyerEvils
- #LawyerGreed
- #LawyerNarcissism
- #LawyerPride
- #LegalEthicsOhio
- ChlesleyDisbarment
- A/B Test
- Adam Kramer
- business ethics
- ethical advice
- Facebook Scandal 2014
- moral advice
- obligations of lawyers
- child support
- due process
- felony
- judicial immunity
- judicial misconduct
- removal from bench
- stalking
- insurance interimediaries
- legal agency
- attorney ethics
- ethical rules for attorneys
- ethical rules for lawyers
- ethics for lawyers and moral rules for everyone
- Lawyers and lying
- legal ethics and actual morals
- bloggery
- new type legal work
- #ethicprofessional #professionalethics #attorneyethics
- lawyer conduct
- legal mal practice case
- #AttorneyMalpractice:DivorceCases
- #LegalEthicsDivorceCases
- divorce cases and legal malpractice
- fee disputes in divorce cases
- malpractice in divorce law
- "prudent" & "reasonable"and the elements of the tort of legal malpractice
- elements of the tort of legal malpractice
- semantics of the elements for the tort of legal malpractice
- deposition questions in legal malpractice cases
- #FiducairyDuties
- #Law GoverningAtorneys
- #Law GoverningLawyers
- #LawyerAsTrustee
- #LawyerDuties
- #LawyerLoyalty
- #LawyerOwesZealousRepresentation
- #attorneyethics #EthicForLawyers
- #EthicsForAttorneys
- #EthicsForLawPractice
- #LawGoverningLawyers
- #EthicsforLawyers
- advocacy and lying
- lawyers and the immoral
- lawyers place in society
- lying lawyers
- zealous representation
- social images of lawyers
- " "misleading language
- " "ownership
- " "poor legal argument"
- "own
- #Copyright#Trolling #Hansmeier
- #CopyrightExtortion
- #PornBlackmail
- #Pornography #Extortion
- " "ethics for lawyers"
- " "lawyer being courtesan
- " "whore attorney" "whore becoming lawyer
- " legality
- "attorney whore
- #Lawyer#AsSmuggler
- #LawyerAsIdiot
- #Smuggling
- #WineSmuggler
- #WineSmuggling
- expert opinions
- #LawyerWordsToAvoid
- #LegalLanguage
- "Nathaniel#Popper
- #Bitcoin #BitcoinLawyers #DellTakesBitcoin. #Bitcoin#Internet#Ransomware
- #DigitalGold
- #Gyff
- #Hayek
- Bitcoins as Ransom
- Computer Hacking Ransom
- Etherum
- interrogatories
- requests for production
- #Cure#Lawyer#Unhappiness
- #Martin# Seligman#Quack
- #Mihalyi#Csikszentmihalyi#Brilliant
- #HappinessOf#Lawyers
- #LawyerDepression
- #lLawFirms#Depression#Unhappiness
- #QuinnMichaelSean
- #CuringLawyer Unhappiness
- #UnhappyLawyers
- LawyerHappy
- #GetHappy#Advice
- #GetHappyLawyer
- #LawyersGetHappier
- #Unhappy#Attorneys
- #Attorney#NegligenceOf#Value
- #AttorneyMistakes
- #ErrorsOfValue
- #MistakesHave Value "ValuableErrors #Valuable#AttorneyErrors
- #BibliographyInHouseCounse
- #InHouseCounsel
- #Tomorrow'sLawyers
- "Brideson
- #CLE-Mistake
- #CLE:BadIdeas
- #CLE/Errors
- #CLEblunders
- #Sondheim
- #Ziegfeld
- #CLEerrors
- #ContinuingLegalEducation
- #ValuableCLEMistakes
- not purpose design errors
- presentation errors
- speaker errors
- #DepositionAnswers
- #Klineburger
- #MissUniverse
- #Oetke
- #Sheena#Monnin
- vacatur
- #9thCir
- #9thCircuit
- #InternationalLaw
- #Kozinski
- #PatchedEyes
- #PegLegs
- #RobertA.Jones
- #SeaShepherd
- #WesternDistrictofWashington
- #Whales #Cetacean
- " amaze "awesome
- " awe struck
- " not OK
- corruption of language
- ruination of language
- semantic corruption
- fraud on the court
- Judge Noel
- Judge Wright
- Magistrate Judge Noel
- porn
- abusive
- bluster
- crude
- loudmouth
- abusive work environment
- Alabama State University
- hostile work environment
- idiot lawyer
- poor lawyer
- expert testimony on damages
- legal expert
- #CaseWithinCase
- #AttorneyMalpractice
- #LegalMalCaseWithinTheCase
- #Deposition#Witness
- #Deposition#Witness#Preparation
- #Prudence
- #Questions#About#Prudence
- #discoveryrules
- #ediscoveryrules
- #lawyermisconduct #lawyerduties #zealousrepresentation
- adversarial conduct
- candid discovery
- diligent discovery
- duties of lawyers
- lawyer dumb bell
- witness preparation
- #ChesleyStanly
- #CrookedLawyers
- #DisbarredFamous&Plaintiff'sLawyer
- #ScandalCrookedLawyers
- #ChesleyCrook
- #ChesleyDisbarrred
- #FenPhen
- #LawyerDiscipline&Scandal
- LyingLawyerScandals
- #Deposition:NotUnderstandTheQuestion
- #Deposition:UnderstandTheQuestion
- "DangerousDepositionPhrase
- #BusinessDecision
- #DepositionPhrase-BusinessDecision
- #DepositionSignalsInQuestions
- #BigData
- #BigDataBullshit
- #BigDataInvalidity
- #BigDataMisnomer
- #ExpertWitness&Negotiations
- #ExpertWitnessErrors
- #ExpertWitnessMistakes #"totally #ExpertOpinionMistakes
- layoff
- legal secretaries
- legal secretary
- #LawyerMalpracticeTexas
- over work
- #Women#LawFirms #WomenStaff#LawFirms
- #Abraham#Lincoln#Legal#Fees
- #Legal#Fee#Ethics
- #Legal#Fees#History
- #LawyerCulture&#LawyerUnhappiness
- #JudgeDisciplinedTexas
- #JusticeJamesPatrick#SharpJrDisciplined #Judge#JusticeDisciplinedTexas
- #KingOfRichBraggards
- CorruptLawyer
- CrookedLawyer
- #Fen-PhenCorruptJudge
- #JudgeCorrupt
- #JudgeDisbarred
- #JudicialCrims
- #JudicialDisbarment
- #LegalEthics #LawyerEthics
- #BusinessOfLaw
- #LawAsBusiness
- #LawFirmsAsBusinesses
- LawyerProfessionalism&Business
- #Depositions#Witnesses#Answers
- #Witness's#Answers#Controversial
- #Crooks#Screw#LawFirm
- #LawFirm#Swindled
- #Witness#Trial#Expert
- #ExpertWitnessAgreement
- #JudicialError
- #JudicialIndiscretion
- #JudicialMisconduct
- #RecusalOfJudges
- #astonish
- #astound
- #frivolous
- #lawclicheavoidance
- #LawyerCliches
- #ludicrous #scapegoat
- #outrageous
- #preposterous
- muckraking
- #reasoning problems
- #truth problems
- reasonable mistakes
- #DoubleNegatives
- #Feel
- #WholeTruth
- #Deposition_Taking
- #Valuable#Leading#Questions
- #Depositions:WitnessAsksQuestions
- #DepositionsNotUnderstandQuestion
- #DepositionsQuestionAnalysis
- #LegalEthicsAxioms
- #LegalEthicsSimpleSummary
- #ProfessionalEthicsforLawyers #LegalProfessionalEthicsAQuickPracticalGuide
- axioms of #LegalEthics
- #LegalMalpractice#7#Characteristics
- #LegaMalpractice
- au_pair insurance
- au-pair-liability_insurance
- professional_malpractice_insurance
- Texas Supreme Court insurance bad faith
- Texas_Supreme_Court
- Texas_Supreme_Court_insurance_decisions
- lawyer-#procrastination
- lawyers_putting _things_off
- Some_#procrastination_a_good thing.
- "legal_#ethics
- #lawyers_#fiduciaries_of_#client. #lawyers_and_#lying
- #legal_#ethics_#summarized
- #Susskind_Richard
- #Suskind_Richard
- #cyber_#Insurance_#policies
- current-insurance-lawyering
- insurance_coverage_counsel
- American_Home_Shield
- dwelling warranty versus homeowner's insurance
- home warranty versus homeowner's insurance
- deposition technique
- semantics and morality of truthfulness
- Athetic_or_Sports_Partipants_Exclusion
- cash-grab game
- CGL_Coverage A_Exclusion
- rodeo_insurance
- sports_event-insurance
- attorney_merchant
- attorney-as-merchant
- lawyer_merchants
- lawyer-as-merchant
- #Silly_#Insurance_#Coverage_Litigation
- Herman Memorial Tower
- Insurance: Duty _to_Defend
- Scottsdale
- American_Family_Mutual
- birds
- pigeons
- #Attorney-Fees
- #sharing_attorney-fees
- Anglo-Dutch_Case
- insurance-underwriting-for-lawyer policies
- computers and insurance
- container-shipping and insurance
- Insurance Coverage; Insurance Coverage Agriculture; "Weed"Insurance Coverage; Marijuana Business and Insurance; Contracts and #Ambiguity; Medical Marijuana Insurance Coverage
- Ole_Miss.
- Insurance Claims Handlers.
- Local Court Rules
- Mediations
- Required Attendance
- #Dogbite case and #Insurance #Coverage; Three Degrees of Dogbite
- contract law interpretation
- contracts and ambiguity
- insurance policies and ambiguity
- #Compensation and #Damages
- #Slavery in America
- Texas: Right to Legal Compensation and Damages
- convoluted
- convoluted and confusing
- convoluted and misleading
- convoluted and overly complex
- convoluted and unclear
- convoluted contract of insurance
- convoluted insurance policy
- *LossOfUse Damages
- #Compensation(Nature of)
- Damages for loss-of-use
- J&D Towing
- Texas Supreme Court on Loss-of-Use Damages
- Alaniz
- Alaniz v. Sirius
- insurance: late notice
- #AmbiguityRule
- #Contract#Interpretation
- #Insurance#Policy#Interpretation
- #LyndCompany
- #Texas#SupremeCourt
- #Legal#Malpractice; #Tripartite#Relationship#Insurance
- #Insurance#Adjusting#Axioms
- #Lusitania#Salvage#Litigation
- #Insurance#Defense#Lawyers#Ethics
- #CyberInsuranceBibliography
- #QuinnOn#Cyber#Insurance
- #Anti-#Concurren#tCausation
- #FloodExclusion
- #Ike#Flood#Insurance #Lexington#Insurance
- #InsuranceCoverage
- #JAW
- #Lusitania#American#Progressivism
- #Lusitania#Workers#Comp#Insurance
- #Lusitania#LifeInsurance
- #Life#Insurance#WarRiskClause
- #LusitaniaSinking
- #Vanderbilt#Alfred
- #Vanderbilt#Life#Insurance#Litigation#Lusitania
- #Fortuity#Fortuitious
- #InsuancePolicyOrganizations
- #InsuranceConcepts
- #InsurancePolicyTypologies
- #InsuranceVocabulary
- #Moral#Hazard
- #Peril#Risk#Coverage
- #DutyToDefend
- #Duty-To-Defend#Insurance
- #Texas#Insurance#Law
- #TriggerDutyToDefend
- #AgeOfCryptocurrency #Bitcoin
- #InsuranceIndustrialRevolution
- #InsuranceRenaissance
- #RichaelJ.Casey #PaulVigna
- #BanksMalware&HugeLosses #InsuranceUnderwriting&MalwareReduction
- #CyberAttacksHackingBanks
- #KrebsOnSecurity&BankLosses
- "Shuffle Along." #Audra_#McDonald
- #L'Wren'sRapidDeath&Mick'sQuickRecovery. #L'Wren'sQuasiLifeInsurancePolicy #L'WrenScottSuicide
- #PollutionExclusion #SeptageAsContaminate
- #PreislerCase
- #Septage AndTheLaw
- #SeptageAndInsurance. #SeptagePollutant
- #Spetage
- #Insurance#BadFaith #ExpertWitness
- #GauntlettDavidA. #GauntlettPrincipleGenerallyApplied #GauntlettPrinciple&#IPInsuranceLitigation #"InsuranceDisputesUnreportedCases
- #ExpertWitnessDepositions
- #ExpertWitnessEpistemology
- #ExpertWitnessLawHistory
- #InsuranceBadFaith
- #PropertyInsuanceDisputes
- #PropertyInsuranceExpertWitness
- #InsuraneBadFaith #InsuranceBadFaithProvingIt
- #InsurerBadFaithEstablishingIt
- #PropertyInsuanceBadFaith
- #InsuranceClaims
- #InsuranceClaimsInvestigation
- #InsuredOwedReasonableInvestigations
- #InsurerDutyInvestigateClaims
- #InsuranceAgentMalpractice
- #InsuranceAgentMalpracticeAlaskaLaw
- #InsuranceAgentMalpracticeStatuteof Limitations
- #FineArtsAuctions
- #GuaranteesAndInsurance
- #InsuranceForFineArt
- #InsuranceForFineArtAuctions
- Chariot
- Giacometti
- #LegalMalpracticeAndLootedArt
- #Looting#FineArt
- #InsuranceReadthePolicyRule
- #KnowthePolicyRule
- #ReadtheContractRule
- #ReadthePolicyRule
- #UnderstandthePolicyRule
- #AdministrativeLawCyberInsurance #CyberInsuranceInternationalDisputes #CyberInsuranceAdministrativeLaw
- #InsuranceAdjustment #LookforCoverage #InsuranceAdjustingPrinciples
- #InsuranceClaimHandlingPrnciples #InsuranceClaimsPrinciples:LookforCoverage
- #InsuranceCoverageDepositionQuestion
- #InsuanceDefenseLitigation--TackyTactics #InsuranceDefense Litigation--BadIdeas
- #Adriana'sInsurance
- #AdrianaIns&WoodenNickels
- #AdrianaInsurancePaidBucketsofMoney
- #AdrianaInsuranceScandal
- #ScandalInsurance #ScandalInsuranceAgent#Adriana'sCaliforniaInsuranceScandal
- #AlanGreenspan:Insurance=RainyDaySavings
- #GreenspanKPMG2014
- #KPMG2014InsuranceIndustryConference
- actuarial science
- Alan Greenspan
- AlanGreenspanInsurance
- "digital world
- CGL Coverage B
- Eyeblaster
- insurance personal injury
- Netscape
- Recall Total Information
- right of privacy
- Schnuck
- Zurich SONY
- CGL policy and cyber world
- physical injury
- property damage Virtual World
- #insuranceagents
- #insurancebrokers
- #legalagency
- #CyberSpace
- #CyberWorld
- #DigitalInsuance "RealWorldInsurance
- #InsurancePolicies
- #VirtualWorld
- breach of good faith and fair dealing
- lawyers as expert witnesses
- common law insurance bad faith
- insurance expert witness
- statutory insurance bad faith
- blogger
- Crystal Cox
- Obsidian
- Daubert test and insurance expert witness
- deposition questions regarding expert witness qualifications
- expert witness as to insurance
- insurance experts
- peer review
- philosophical foundations of the insurer's duty of good faith and fair dealing
- standards for insurer bad faith
- insurance and civilization
- insurance as economic foundation
- reinsurance history
- bad faith adjusting
- bad faith adjustment
- insurer bad faith--common law
- insurer bad faith--standards
- insurer bad faith--statutes
- "cyber policies organization" "cyber policies contents"
- "Insurance#Underwriting" "Insurance#CyberUnderwriting" Briys
- #CyberInsurance #InsurancePolicyLanguage #Varenna
- "cyber policies organization" #CyberInsurance #CybPoliciesContents" #CyberWorld #CyberSpace: #VirtualWorld" #DigitalWorld" #InsuranceUnderwriting #CyberInsurance"
- " shallow advice
- bad sources
- good sources
- Hackery
- Hackinig
- insurance advertising regarding cyber matters
- shallow "reports
- shallow ads
- confusion
- insurance adaptation slow
- speed of cyber innovation
- #Plantinga#Alvin
- #Steven#Burton#Contractual
- #TaylorCharles
- #VirtualCycle
- #VirtualLibrary
- #VirtuousCircle
- CyberWorld; CyberSpace:#Virtual World; DigitalWorld" #VirtualSemantics
- " "if then" "Sir Karl Popper"
- epistemology for lawyers
- insurance claims settlements
- settlements of insurance claims
- insurance settlements
- "Read the Policy"
- insurance policy language
- "#KidnapInsurance
- #ExtortionInsurance
- #ExtortionThreat Insurance." #CyberInsurance
- #RansomInsurance
- #FirstPartyInsuranceAdjustment
- #Lookfor#InsuranceCoverage
- #Third-PartyInsuranceAdjustment
- "Texas Tilley
- #BadCLEideas
- #CLEblunders #CLEerrors
- #FunctionOf#CLEs
- #Insurance CLEsFunctionOf
- #Tilley
- #TilleyCase
- #TilleyInTexas
- cyber risk exclusions
- embedded logic
- intranet
- private network
- cyber professional services
- breach of contract coverage
- coverage for breach of contract
- cyber contracts of insurance
- cyber insurance contracts
- selection of policies
- claims reported
- policy priod
- #InsuranceIronshoe
- #BriefinginLawSuits
- #LegalRhetorictooStrident
- #LegalWriting/WhenAbsurd? #LegalWriting:Bluster&Cliche
- damages for cyber wrongful act
- insurance. cyber insurance
- net work
- network wrongful act
- privacy privacy protection in cyber space
- privacy violated expenses for violator
- insurance & hacking
- #Certificate_of_ Insurance
- agent negligence
- Deposition_Topic:_#Wisdom
- DepositionTopic_wise_v._unwise
- insurance litigtion depositions
- prudence v. imprudence
- insurance policy appraisals
- first-party property adjustments
- insurance appraisals. first party property appraisals
- copyright violation
- cyber Coverage B
- 542.004
- guidelines
- statutes. Model Act
- coverage opinion
- Lessig
- Spinollo
- CGL Policy
- #ChubbGroup
- #ChubbInsurancePolicy
- #InternetLiabilityPolicy
- condition in policy
- cooperate in claims process
- cooperate with adjusters
- cooperate with insurer
- duties of insureds
- "law-firm criminal greed
- & status
- #law-firm-mismanagement
- lawyer obsession with wealth prestige
- #stop-loss-insurance
- expert witness criticized.
- Lind Co. case
- property insurance adjusting
- both insurer and insured as clients
- insurance defense lawyer
- insured as client
- insurer as client
- Tilley Case
- #GreenwichInsurance #LawyerLiabilityInsuranceBusinessTransaction
- #LawyerProfessinalLiabilityInsurance&ReferalFees #LawyerE&OInsurance
- #LawyersReferralFees
- #ShoreChanLawFirm
- aphorisms
- folktales
- folk-wisdom
- folklore
- common people
- Elizabeth Warren
- Paul Krugman
- Adversarial system
- Greenlaw v. United States
- Suez canal
- ocean shipping
- container shipping
- evergreen
- ever given
- Suez Canal blockage
- Cocaine
- Double negative
- RSA Insurance Group
- Perjury
- Family economics
- Bailment
- Deepwater Horizon
- State Bar of Texas
- Liberty Mutual
- Electronically stored information (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure)
- American Law Institute
- Now We're Starting Over Again
- Legal realism
- Pragmatism
- Contingent fee
- Adverse selection
- Logical consequence
- Burden of proof (law)
- Paralegal
- Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
- Territory of Hawaii
- Double Indemnity
- Honolulu Fire Department
- Hickam Air Force Base
- RMS Lusitania
- Empire of Japan
- Attack on Pearl Harbor
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Estoppel
- Natural law
- patriotism
- “defunct”
- dewey’s
- paradoxes?
- faith–difficulties
- worn-out
- Empiricism
- [o]perations”
- “[s]uspension
- riddles
- recusal
- (s&o)
- Artificial intelligence
- Cannabis (drug)
- cannabis
- unsettled
- beware
- Dram shop
- Crossclaim
- insertions
- witnessing–preface
- witness–preface
- pandemic
- odd-looking
- covid-19
- Lloyd's of London
- swindled–big
- Pfizer
- e-commerce
- compared–part
- “established
- Patent infringement
- Corporate law
- Intellectual property
- Directors and officers liability insurance
- Bragg v. Linden Lab
- Breach of contract
- Westlaw
- gores
- no,says
- rodeo:
- headline:
- law–fowles’
- surrogate’s
- business(es)
- Classical republicanism
- Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge
- e&o
- lawyer–stanley
- plaintiffs’
- Fenfluramine/phentermine
- Walmart
- recomendations)
- iiie-iv
- lawyer–advice
- Seattle University School of Law
- Christopher Peterson (psychologist)
- Martin Seligman
- Character Strengths and Virtues
- American English
- The New York Review of Books
- policy–sample
- policy–chubb
- Workaholic
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Sonja Lyubomirsky
- Socrates
- packages:
- sharp
- officials
- culture–part
- University of Kansas
- William Doune
- Trial de novo
- Brazoria County, Texas
- Supreme Court of Ohio
- directions–principles
- packages–part
- “breadwinner
- moms”
- “i
- hadn’t”–the
- netadvantage
- misrepresentgation.
- non-clients,
- Law of Texas
- lawyering–work/life
- balance
- secretaries
- Library of Congress
- The Pirate Bay
- Nate Silver
- answer”
- responsive”
- “objection.
- faith–statutory
- “a
- “if
- apppraisal
- scandal–never
- ending?
- “madam.
- Beverly Hills Supper Club fire
- x?”
- topic:”prudent
- iv–ins
- “wouldn’t
- limitation
- “cyber-[somethings]”–a
- readily
- rejectable
- performing
- poorly
- stunning
- racism
- Non-compete clause
- Uniform act
- African Americans
- Judgment as a matter of law
- Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Agnosticism
- Ontology
- viii:
- loss–part
- i.e.:
- reporting”
- acts,”
- made,”
- blanket
- bittorrent
- policypolicy)
- “awesome,
- write:
- legs,
- pirates,
- patches,
- foolish
- dishonorable
- ignorant
- cles:
- programs–part
- that?”
- “are
- presentation–errors–part
- “real
- supposed:
- topical,
- design,
- presentational
- challenge
- fundamental
- “look
- (kre)
- ransom
- “kidnap
- Lydia Netzer
- approaches–part
- advice–some
- empirical
- orientation
- introduction–part
- iiid-iv
- unhappiness–parts
- foundaionsl
- theoretical
- observations–part
- quinnian
- digital
- currency,
- bitcoins,
- “with
- respect,
- matters:
- whore
- pricks
- witnessing
- “there”
- languages
- “fogs
- co-called
- industry
- “portal-ing”
- organization:
- comparisons
- substantive
- “owns”
- yuck!
- untitled
- formulations
- formal
- duties–fundamentals
- standards
- elements
- civilization
- modernity
- dealing–philosophical
- workability
- value–several
- reviews
- defaming,
- blowing
- whistles:
- defamation–cyber
- construction
- builder’s
- intermediaries
- suing
- complainant,
- conviction,
- §1983
- fool,
- title:
- negotiator,
- pig”
- “master,
- stan’s
- philanthropist,
- discussed,
- instead
- quasi-disbarment–legal
- worse?
- imprudence,
- addict?
- persuasion
- interests
- valuing
- importance,
- “stinking”
- economics,
- alangreenspan,
- weighty
- coins
- pounds
- changing
- rapidly
- dating
- dates
- lawsuit
- volunteer”:
- reckless
- prelawschool
- quasi-definitialtreatment
- formalistic
- relationship–a
- (hence
- archane)
- attorney-client
- administrative
- overseas
- hurry
- “obligation
- inferior
- in-housecounsel–future
- status–part
- growth
- victim
- nature
- four–on
- negotiations
- listen
- Claims adjuster
- criminal–performance
- counsel–future
- “afterlife”:
- #looting
- auctions
- guarantors,
- alaska–a
- agent/broker
- squib
- alaska
- possible
- treacherous
- sufficiency
- multidimensionality
- quasi-philosophical*
- introductory
- multidimensionality–a
- witness–testing
- case–some
- reasonable.”
- investigations
- lawyer–yesterday
- cases–expert
- malpractice–proving
- involved?
- manipulate
- opposing
- particular
- litigators
- commandments
- steal
- money
- gouge
- reasonably
- perform
- promptly
- silently
- (sort
- serve
- head.
- tongue
- fight
- nine:
- fair,
- cheat
- help!
- stress?
- doubt?
- ethics:commandment
- mentor
- insist
- humanely:
- found
- lawyer–a
- kronman’sthe
- “person”
- beautiful
- truly
- half-way
- winner
- prize
- grand
- pokey?
- symptom
- adjustment–one
- breaches
- “screwing”
- damned:
- re-hearding
- imagination
- procedural
- mostly
- substance
- buildings
- storms
- preface
- background
- table
- framework:
- treachery
- ‘right’
- dressing
- howto
- ii–complex
- kicking
- roads
- quinn
- “two
- “one
- view”
- act’
- securities
- usual
- tppca–appraisals–fragmented
- broker-dealers
- epicureanism–sense
- fraud,
- collusive
- stoicism
- proving
- sec-imposed
- concurring
- improper
- treatise–1802:
- boyd,
- uncertainty
- certainty
- clause,
- disgorgement
- clauseraisal
- based
- payent
- hours”
- conclusively
- discovery’s
- pissing
- tired
- tiresome
- positivism
- natural
- antifracturing
- prices
- wording
- dreadful
- virtues
- occasional
- performances,
- coffee
- susskind
- spike
- admissions:
- events
- political
- declaration
- modern
- post-modern)
- prevarication
- shield
- attire
- lawyers–current
- future
- pithy
- responding
- people
- letter:
- good,
- representation
- basic
- sophisticated
- techniques:
- specification
- oaths
- sworn
- sections
- instruction
- both?
- declination
- swearing
- theories
- meaning
- (2024)
- reheard
- opinion–the
- “‘stowers’
- questioning
- (etc)
- –hecht’s
- clothing
- needless
- demand
- sensibility
- phrase-noun
- ridiculously
- “new’
- experience
- age-ism
- crusading
- ethical
- limits
- great
- indemnity
- company–a
- complex
- airways
- scheme
- law-of-lawyering
- honest
- whence
- proposal/policy
- insuance
- (1780-1970)
- “independent
- injury”
- phrase,
- paid-to-appeal
- example:
- mansfield
- policy–texas
- things
- starts
- physical
- america:
- price
- flood
- owners
- law–multidimensional
- hearings
- crises
- dress:
- ethics–part
- “direct
- what’s
- history–property
- facts
- over-doing
- first-party
- faith–again
- consequences
- 1835-insurance
- sketch–texas
- trees?
- franklin
- appraisals
- arguments
- cancellation
- exception
- reflections
- well-being
- internatonal
- special
- writs
- under
- creativity
- tolling
- conservatism,
- antitrust
- “hughes
- twentieth
- sketched
- personality
- corners
- development
- historical
- ignored
- rejected
- reason
- confucius
- temporal
- limitations
- ‘anything’
- traits
- summary
- giants
- covered?
- finest
- symbol
- quibbles
- impeachment
- proper
- ‘evergreen’/’ever
- governance
- trap:
- examination
- cross
- bites, which
- towers
- swinging
- friendly
- society
- “ever
- canal
- issued
- english
- champlain
- (1708)
- personalties
- “big
- dick”?
- owner”
- action,
- accident
- pointe
- tort–different
- viiia
- wills
- viii.b
- recovers?
- killed
- jurispurdence
- radical
- changes
- sister
- struggle
- regulation
- “why
- sunk,
- “duty
- vocabulary
- concepts,
- essay
- opinions”–an
- wreck
- luistania
- 1918:
- catastrophe–part
- southern
- issues,
- r.m.s.
- millions
- daughters
- hammer
- relationship–the
- thinking
- hiring/retaining
- anyway–part
- salvage–some
- continuing
- tatoos,
- trials,
- unreasonable
- fees–the
- unconscionable
- insider
- axioms
- consensual
- relationships
- separate
- lusitania–fowles’
- arising
- compensatory
- awards
- fraudulent
- documents
- obligations
- unresolvable
- calls,
- select
- client-lawyer
- work-obsessed
- cases–some
- “malwared,”
- unprotected
- krebsonsecurity,
- phished,
- reasoning,
- chinese
- others
- age”-problems
- marketing,
- posts
- types
- insurance–introduction–
- renaissance
- “malworn”
- absurdly
- shown
- reported
- winning
- majority
- reveals
- testimony–insurance
- pollution
- stones
- rolling
- catastrophic
- 71–no
- zealand
- attacks,
- unleashing
- “unauthorized
- commiting
- “sins”
- punishments:
- sleeping,
- partners.
- steals
- (#6):
- “he
- (conflict
- novella
- cyberland
- passage
- murdered
- through
- snoring,
- shouting
- law”
- upl–an
- (#2):
- frauds
- committing
- folks
- felonious
- crimes(#3):
- (#4):
- evil,
- thence
- conduct–some
- requirements
- reasons
- contract/policy
- “weed”)
- sometimes
- discourage
- “findlaw”
- complaint
- goodness
- spiritual
- depth,
- inequality
- self-exploration,
- lawyers–a
- philosophical
- guide
- merchants
- verdically
- judgments,
- kelly
- megyn
- (3/16/15)
- serious)
- skulduggery
- violent
- provider
- evidence
- presumption
- rebuttable
- forget
- organized
- filthy
- photos
- exorbitant
- helping
- hillary
- intentional
- misconduct,
- emails:
- yourself,”
- “go
- (emailgate?)
- clinton
- depositional
- taking:
- defecation
- retentions
- trump’s
- david
- gospel
- whyte
- accused
- forms
- killing)
- torturing
- least,
- shooting
- shipping–some
- containerized
- lawyer-mentor
- “god”:
- silliest
- strokes
- hacked
- hatchet
- dignity,
- human
- constitutional
- marriage,
- bemis
- minister
- morality
- reach
- phraseology:
- “mistake,”
- out”
- signatures
- forging
- significant
- transaction
- disputes
- abraham
- resentment,
- commercial
- block
- partly
- forbidden
- temptations
- hourly
- charged:
- certainly
- billed
- lodestar
- method
- love,
- personal
- total
- tangible
- revolted?
- judged
- revolting?
- marriage–judicial
- revolt?
- cicero’s
- slave
- “”loss-of-use”
- named
- decreed”
- entry
- reasonableness
- measuring
- counsel–yes
- combined
- sanctioned:
- litigating
- idiocy,
- incompetence,.
- pricked
- penda
- “late-notice-forbidden”
- conjectures:”order,
- dictionary
- “ben,”
- Recent Posts
- Coffee Prices Spike
- Expert Witness–Testing for Legal Sufficiency
- BitTorrent
- On the Rhetoric of the Ridiculous
- “Madam. Are you certain today?” [Sketch I]
- The Insurance Appraisal Process–Part I
- Cyber-Insurance & “Established Insurance” Compared–PART #2
- Cyber-Insurance aka E-Commerce Insurance–Part #1
- The Prudent Expert Witness: Agreements and Performances, #1
- Creations and Insertions into Existing Contracts Part II
- Lawyers, Election Law, Jurisprudence, and Proper Governance
- Can Opposing Counsel Manipulate a Liability Insurer Where Crime Is Involved?
- Lawyers and the Aging Process
- Legal Malpractice–Proving Damages In Big Cases–Expert Testimony
- Anthony T. Kronman, THE LOST LAWYER–Yesterday and Today
- Insurance Claims Investigations and “The Reasonable”
- Archives
- December 2024 (1)
- November 2024 (2)
- May 2024 (2)
- December 2023 (24)
- November 2023 (60)
- October 2023 (62)
- September 2023 (60)
- August 2023 (62)
- July 2023 (62)
- June 2023 (59)
- May 2023 (53)
- April 2023 (59)
Quinn Quotes
The good expert witness must believe what s/he asserts and not be advocating, the way a lawyer might. A good expert witnesses can and should be effective without advocating.~Michael Sean Quinn, PhD, JD, CPCU, Etc.Tweet
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