An Anti-Concurrent Causation Clause
in Insurance Contracts

Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D., J.D., C.P.C.U, Etc.
            This is a description of the central issue in the JAW The Pointe, L.L.C. v. Lexington Insurance, a case decided by the Supreme Court of Texas on April 23, 2015.  Given the context of this case, it will be of great importance to business property insurance along the Gulf coast for years to come.  It is important not only to insureds, courts, and lawyers, but to brokers as well, so long as there are “concurrent causation” issues potentially involved. I am not trying to discuss all the important propositions and discussions in this important case, but only the most important. 
            This case has been heard by a trial court and jury, before an intermediate court of appeals, and now before the Supreme Court of Texas. By the time it got to the Supreme Court, it was technically an insurance bad faith case based upon Texas statutes. However, since the existence of insurer bad faith, almost always depends on the existence of coverage, the high Court focused on coverage. I will too, and I will be even more brief.  I will leave almost all of the issues sketched, at most, and I will refer to the insured as simply JAW; others have referred to the entity as “The Pointe,” perhaps that brings attention to the apartment complex that sustained the damages.

              All lawyers need to remember at all times that insurance policies are contracts, so far as the formal law and legal doctrine are concerned. Practical reality can be a different story. This paragraph contains nothing but the truth but it is hardly the whole truth. Complex, complicated versions of the truth often have holes in them. 

            The JAW’s apartment at issue was damaged by both flood and wind arising out of Hurricane Ike. The apartment complex had “all risks” [1] property insurance, and as usual subject to exclusions. It recovered significant amounts of money from its flood insurer, from an excess carrier and Lexington—amounts already in the many millions. 
The Lexington policy, however, also contained a special Lexington “Ordinance and Law Coverage” endorsement, and JAW wanted compensation under it, since the City of Galveston was requiring that the buildings of the relevant complex be torn down and rebuilt.
            The whole Lexington policy subjected its “all [fortuitous and physical] risks” coverage to the following exclusion:
We will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by any of the following.  Such loss or damage is excluded regardless of any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss.

The Court states that the passage just quoted is “at the center of the parties” dispute.
The exclusion goes on to list at least some specifically excluded causes of loss.  One of them is “flood.”  No damage resulting from a flood to any extent is covered, even if there was something else involved in the causal process.  Another one is the enforcement of certain types of ordinances or law, e.g., those “regulating construction, use and repair of any property” and those “requiring [the] tearing down of property[.]
            There are two relevant endorsements, however. One of them is entitled “Ordinance or Law Coverage [OLC].” It states in relevant part that if a covered cause of loss “occurs to covered  building property,” Lexington will pay “[f]or loss or damage caused by enforcement of any ordinance or law” that meets various requirements which are relevant here but not in dispute. The most pertinent is a Galveston code requirement that if a commercial building, including an apartment complex, has sustained damage of 50% or more of the market value of the building, the building(s) must be brought into compliance with current code requirements if the ordinance requires that a building be torn down and brought up to meet specified code requirements.
            Now we need to go back to the anti-concurrent cause exclusion.  As applied in this circumstance, it entails that if both a covered cause of loss and an excluded cause of loss induces the City to invoke the requirements of the code, then there is no coverage; it does not matter if a covered cause of loss participated in damaging the property, so long as the non-covered cause of loss was involved.  In this case, the cause of loss that was not covered was the flood waters Ike caused.
JAW spent immense effort in arguing that since the damage caused by the winds of Ike were covered, since that cause of loss alone might cause the building to sustain a 50%-or-more reduction in value, and since Lexington did not prove otherwise, it (JAW) was entitled to recover from Lexington under the OLC endorsement.  The Court rejected this view.  It branded it simply theoretical when what matters are why did the City official, as a matter of actual empirical fact invoke the requirements of the statute.  The Court opined that the evidence conclusively showed that the flood Ike caused played at least some role in the decision of the city.  Once that is recognized to be true, the case is over.
            JAW seemed to think that since Lexington paid substantial sums based on wind damage, it was obligated to ignore the anti-concurrent causation exclusionary clause when it came to the OLC endorsement. JAW made two related but separable mistakes.
            First, it didn’t seem to realize that if, arising out of the same storm, wind alone caused some damages while flooding caused other damages; then the anti-concurrent causation exclusionary rule is not triggered.  Consider the following hypothetical example. The insured’s building is five stories tall.  Suppose that water rolls into the ground and the second floor. Suppose further that wind tears off the roof; rain comes in; additionally, the wind breaks some windows on floors four and five though there is no flood damage. Clearly there is coverage for damages on floors four and five, and there is no coverage for damages on floors one and two. 
Now finally suppose that some flood waters lapped up and through the broken windows on the south side of the building but nothing of the sort happens on the north side.  What was covered and what was not would have to be divided up, and where the matter was indeterminable and not to be settled, a jury would have to answer. What’s important to notice here is that that wind caused some damage, and flood waters caused another. All this was done separately; there is no concurrent causation problem.
            Second, however, the action of the city in invoking the ordinance is entirely different.  The decision of the city is the direct cause of JAW’s loss.  Unless the city ruled that the building had to be torn down and redone,  the loss at issue—the money JAW’s was going to have to spend, having been legally ordered to spend it—there would be no loss. The decision of the city is the cause of the loss covered by the OLC endorsement.  The question now becomes, “What caused the city to make the decision it did?” To the extent flood, as a matter of fact, played any role in that decision of the City, then all amounts of money the City’s decision requires to be spent are not covered. The Court thought that the evidence “conclusively” showed that exactly this happened. QED [as we used to say in high school].
  Closing Remarks
The courts says that the evidence demonstrates something conclusively.  This is true if and only if the sole focus of the Court’s attention is on the nature of basis for the City’s decision. Notice that if that is the only issue, it does not matter whether what the government decided was reasonable or unreasonable.  It does not even matter if the government’s decision was based on bribery and therefore criminal.
It must be kept in mind that Texas now has two quite distinct concurrent-causation rules. One is for tort actions, and the other one is for contract, such as insurance policies.
Insurers will be attracted to using no-coverage-for-concurrently-caused-losses, where one of the causes is excluded.  This is most obvious in damages policies where flood is one of the sources of damages, but it can be any two or more causes of losses.  Not all insurance policies are like this, and that is an important fact. 
(1) One might wish to avoid purchasing a policy with an anti-concurrent-causation clause in it. 
(2) One might also wish to remember that if two events, X any cause a third, and there is an anti-concurrent-causation clause in the policy, then the presence of one of the causes, even if its contribution is very small, say, 2% (whatever that might mean), and some other cause was 98%  of the causal factors, there will be no coverage. 
(3) One might think well of postulating that no complex, resulting even is every cause by a single cause. 

 Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D., J.D., C.P.C.U. . . .
The Law Firm of Michael Sean Quinn et
Quinn and Quinn
                                 1300 West Lynn Street, Suite 208
                                             Austin, Texas 78703
                                                 (512) 296-2594
                                            (512) 344-9466 – Fax

[1] Often these are called “all risk” policies.