Young Lawyer Murdered: A Twisted Tale With a Twist

Part I

Michael Sean Quinn(See below)

David Misserschmitt* (“L”) was a lawyer at DLA Piper, a very large, global law firm,  when he was murdered on February 9th, or so, earlier this year at the Donovan Hotel (“DH”) in Washington D.C. L was in DLA’s technology department of technology. (For a lengthy description of DLA’s tech department and its diverse subdivisions, seed their website.)(*Yes, as in the German fighter plane from WWII.)

 So, one might ask, was was L doing in the DH in Washington when he worked in that city and lived in the area? Apparently though he thought he had arranged a paid tryst by taking out an ad with another man, who makes himself available on Craig’s List to render such services. According to the NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL, the responding email was chrissanchez0906, or something like that.)

However, according to the local constabulary there was a woman, Jamyra Gallmon (W#1), 21 years old, who passed herself off as an available male prostitute, but who would show up not for those purposes but in order to rob the would-be customer.  Obviously, this was not a “big-firm” or “hi-tech” encounter, though the press is silent as to whether W#1 was using this as employment to avoid crushing student loans.  

Somehow a dispute arose between L and W#1, and L got stabbed 7-9 times and died somewhere during that process (or at the end of it).  On her behalf her lawyer for W#1 denied that the charges are true, but also says that if they are to some extent true, he would plead “imperfect-self-defense.”  

According to the same source, when the policy arrested W#1, “they recovered. . . [among other things] “a bag of zip ties similar to ones found attached to [L]is fingers and fashioned into makeshift handcuffs.”

 On his fingers? I’m out of my league.  So, perhaps, may have been L’s wife and then widow, a woman of what used to be called “oriental extraction.” I have strong feeling of empathy for what must be one of her many difficult feelings: bewilderment. 

Later, according to “Above the Law,” the policy arrested W#2’s “girlfriend” one “Dominique Johnson,” 19 years old.  There as to whether W#2 was involved in a conspiracy to murder L or merely to rob him. 

So what does this show about cyber lawyering? There are all sorts of internet frauds? The work “hack” has multiple meanings? As does the phrase “taking a stab at.” Be careful about giving unknown people the finger? Internet dating can be dangerous. Cyber- solutionism can be a very bad idea in all sorts of situations. See Evgeny Morozov, TO SAVE EVERYTHING, CLICK HERE: THE FOLLY OF TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONISM (2014). Under the circumstances of this case, his THE NET DELUSION: THE DARK SIDE OF INTERNET FREEDOM (2012) may be even more interesting. 

Attachment of April 28, 2015
There is more to this story. See Part II.

Attachment of August 24, 2015
The young woman (W#1) who stabbed the young lawyer from DLA Piper pleaded guilty on Friday, August 21, 2015 and was sentenced to 24 years in prison. The even younger woman (W#2) got an even lighter sentence, 12 months, 6 months suspended, + 3 years probation.

             What’s wrong with this picture?

*Law Office of Michael Sean Quinn
Quinn and Quinn
1300 West Lynn #208
Austin, Texas 78703
(o) 512-296-2594
(c) 512-656-0503