Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D, J.D., Etc., Author
Law Office of Michael Sean Quinn
Quinn and Quinn
1300 West Lynn #208
Austin, Texas 78703
(o) 512-296-2594
(c) 512-656-0503

This is a formalistic (i.e., if-thens, if and only ifs, definitions, entailments, logical implications,
concepts-only, abstract arguments, etc.) analysis of the nature of the relationship between lawyer-attorneys, on the one hand, and possible and/or actual clients on the other.  It is not explicitly tied to cases and authorities by name, cite, and rank.  At the same time, it is based on governing legal authority of various sorts.

When there is a dispute between a lawyer (“L”) and a person (human or entity) (“P”), as to whether P is (a/the) Client (“C”) with respect to L, the burden of proof is generally taken to be upon P, although at least some burdens of proof shift as between L and an actual C. (Of course, it is obvious that not all Ps are Cs, even if the P believes he is a C.) There is a range of considerations that courts review and from which they draw inferences.  Almost none of them are a necessary (i.e., required) condition for a client-attorney relationship.  Some of them may be sufficient conditions, but they are not at the same time necessary conditions.

Here is a list of a number of propositions (“Prop.-___”) which courts invoke, list, consider, and from which they draw inferences.  Some of the elements of the list are followed by a commentary:
            (1)        L thinks of C as his client.
This proposition is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition, although it is sometimes correlated with the existence of an attorney-client relationship.  Lawyers usually know who at least their principal clients are.  Obviously, under some circumstances C can be L’s client, and L not realize it, or be mistaken about it, or just never think about it.  On the other hand, L could regard C as his client and be mistaken.
            (2)        C has explicitly requested that L represent him, and L has stated that he will do so.
Obviously, Prop.-2 can obtain without L having started to represent C actively.  Moreover, C can become L’s client without making an explicit request.  Representation can exist as a result of interactive conduct without explicit communication with respect to clienthood.
            (3)        L states to C that L represents C.
C’s silence does not automatically imply C’s consent.
            (4)        C says to L that L represents him as a client.
Again, just by itself, silence does not imply consent—in this case that of L.  (At the same time, it would be a good idea—from a pragmatic standpoint—for L to speak up if he is not going to represent C.)
            (5)        L discusses the individual legal interests of C with C.
Prop.-5 does not create the existence of a client-attorney relationship.  L could listen to C, ask some questions, and then say something like I can’t become your lawyer because there is a conflict, because I don’t understand the issues, because I don’t like you, or because I have fallen deeply in love with you.
            (6)        L discusses C’s individual legal interests with C and provides C with substantive advice                                  thereon, i.e., relevant or related advice.
Prop.-6 probably is a sufficient condition of a client-lawyer relationship, if any of these items are.  That would be even truer if L provides C not only with advice, but with legal services and some sort of product.  Consider the following:
            (7)        L discusses C’s individual legal interests with C and then provides C not only with advice but with a legal product of some sort.
Prop.-7 is probably close to a sufficient condition of the creation of an attorney-client relationship, even if L is not paid.  It’s only close, however.  What if C did not want the “legal product,” did not use it, or did not even look at it.
            (8)        C or someone else pays L to provide C with legal services.
Prop.-8 is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for the creation of an attorney-client relationship.  L might give the money back forthwith.  She didn’t want ever to work for C, or anyone like C.  Also, if L sends C a bill for a retainer which L says she must receive before she will perform any services, then there is no client-attorney relationship yet.  If, on the other hand, L sends a bill to C for services already performed, the sending of the bill would not create the relationship, the relationship would already exist.
            (9)        If L represents C1, and C2 is the subordinate of C1, but C2 also makes specific use of L in a                          personal matter, then there is an attorney-client relationship between C2 and L.
This proposition does not describe either a necessary or a sufficient condition for an L-C relationship.  Asking for representation does not create it.  C2 doesn’t have to ask for representation in order for it to come into existence.  How C2 used L may be important.  Reciprocal behavior may be sufficient.  Thus, if C2 involves L because he has a fiery reputation, no client-attorney (“C-L”) relationship will thereby be formed.
            (10)      C interacts with L in relation to some of C’s legal affairs but has another lawyer who                                      represents her.  Indeed, she has an attorney providing “separate representation.”
This proposition is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for L not being C’s lawyer.  C may want two lawyers.  She may not like her other one.  She may not trust the other one.  She may think the other one is stupid.  For a variety of reasons, C may want L as a lawyer over and above some other lawyer.
            (11)      C interacts with L in connection with his legal problems, L helps C, and C has no other                                  lawyer.
This item is not a sufficient condition for the creation of a C-L relationship between C and L.  C can have one or more lawyers and hire another one with respect to exactly the same task.
            (12)      P1 hears L discuss a significant matter with P2 and recognizes that the propositions being                               asserted by L are important to his individual and separable legal interests.  P1 thereafter relies                          upon what L stated to P2.
This item does not create a client-lawyer relationship between P1 and L, irrespective of whether there was a client-lawyer relationship between L and P2.  Whether a C-L relationship was formed between L and P1 would depend upon a variety of factors, for example, what L took (assumed, understood, or inferred) P1 to be doing, as it were, as P1 listened to the conversation that was going on between L and P2.  P2’s intents and beliefs would perhaps also be relevant.
            (13)      If L negotiates an arrangement with P1 and L is negotiating for P2, where there is a                                        negotiable deal going on between P1 and P2, then L is not P1’s lawyer with respect to the                              transaction.
This proposition is false.  L may or may not be the lawyer for both P1 and P2.  That would depend upon the facts.  In all probability, however, in the foregoing item, if these are the only facts that are (or to be) known, L is probably not the lawyer for P1.  This is especially true if L has not performed any other services for P1 related to the transaction.
              (14) L states to C that she is not C’s lawyer.
This proposition is not a sufficient condition of L’s not being C’s lawyer.  L could be wrong.  L could be lying.  L could fail to understand precisely who C is and has been in his practice, and so forth.  (These points apply to a past tense variation of Prop.-14.) 
               (15)           L states to P1 that she represents C2, who or which is connected to P1 in a transaction or                               relationship.
This item is not a sufficient condition for the non-existence of an attorney-client relationship between L and P1.  L might wish it were true, but it would not always actually be true.  Sometimes in situations described by Prop.-15 P1 is C1.  L might represent C1 by providing C2 with legal services, such as advice, information, suggestions, writings, and so forth, but wish to believe that they were presented only to C2, when—in fact—C2 handed them on to C1, while indicating to L that something of the sort, is, might, or will happen.  L could even agree with C2 that there would, at C2’s request, be two clients, one of whose identity would remain secret from L.  Of course, these are high risk situations, at least sometimes, and many lawyers will refuse them, if they see them.
                 (16) L states to P1 that she represents C2 and not P1.
This statement is not a sufficient condition for the non-existence of an attorney-client relationship between L and P1.  If L provides P1 with legal services, then the fact that L has said that she does not represent P1 as C1 simply becomes a false proposition not a determinative one.
               (17)      P1 pays L to do work for P2/C2, which L does.
Did L represent P1 as C1?  The answer is—based on these facts alone—No.  This pattern is very common in liability insurance, duty-to-defend situations.
               (18)      P1 pays L to do work for C2 but P1 directs in handling C2’s affairs.
Did L consequently represent P1 as C1?  Same answer applies:  No.
                (19)      P1 pays L to work for C2 but P1 directed in handling C2’s affairs, and P1 seek legal advice                            from L regarding its own interests (having to do with anything including C2), and L provides that advice to P1.
Does L then represent P1 as C1?  Answer: Yes. 
            Now consider situations in which there are two lawyers and two clients. 
              (20)      L1 asserts  to C1 that  L1 represents C1 and that L2 does not. 
Obviously, this representation by L1 does not entail, imply, or even suggest that L2 does not represent. This point  would be true whether or not  L1 did in fact represent C1.  Whether L1 and L2 both represent C1 would depend upon the circumstances, the facts, who provided advice, and who provided services.  The status of one of the lawyers would not depend upon what the other one said.

            Now, consider the following: 

              (21)      L1 and L2 have a conversation with C2.   L2, after the conversation, tells C1 that L2                                         represents C1, and that L1 does not, but represents C1.  
Does the fact of this representation by L2 to C2 entail that L1 does not represent C2?   The answer, of course, is No.   This would be true if C1 and C2 were doing a deal together, and arrangements evolved over time.  One could easily imagine that  L2 saw the relationship as much more adversarial—or, at least done at arms length—than it actually was.   L2 might consider himself an entirely independent counsel, whereas, in fact, he was hired to help L1, because of differentials in jurisdiction, differentials in the kind of law involved, such as patent law, and so forth.  Numerous variations like this are possible, and—indeed—quite frequent in the real world.  The following often arises in a variety of different circumstances: 
               (22)      L represents C1, a corporation.  L is good friends with C2, a senior management official of                             the corporation.    C2, runs into some sort of trouble.  L says to C2, “I am not your                                       lawyer, you must understand this, I represent the corporation and only the corporation,”                               and then provides C2 with various legal advice and legal services, e.g., she discusses the                                background history and facts of the problem with C2, reviews letters from counsel for the                              accuser, criticizes them, makes suggestions to C2 about how to handle his problems, and                              so forth. 
Under these circumstances, does L represent C2?   The answer is almost certainly Yes.   It is immaterial that L’s statements are inconsistent with her behavior.  Behavior trumps explicit statement, when there is inconsistence.  In this area of life, I cannot think of a situation in which that would not be true.
(23) L never says to C, “I  represent you,” and L never writes to C and says, ”I represent you,” although L has said and/or written to C and said I represent somebody who is in this deal with you.
True or False?  No matter how L treats C thereafter and no matter whether L does lawyerly things for C,  L is not C’s attorney, so long as the oral and/or written statements are not withdrawn.  Answer: False.  Again: Lawyer conduct trumps lawyer silence, partial statements, and even statements. (Given the way depositions have gone, the opposite of this conclusion could be entitled the “Chenowithian Doctrine.”)
The foregoing observations are valid with respect to custom and practice in the legal profession, in most cases.  In summary, if a person desires a court to conclude that he is the client of a lawyer, the burden of proof is on the person who submits that he is a client, and in general, he must show that he has received some sort of legal services from the lawyer which are neither trivial, instantaneous, entirely obvious to everyone (including him) or frivolous, and the evidence that he presents must be a type which would convince a rational and objective knowledgeable person that the lawyer in question has provided some sort of legal information, advice, suggestions, products, or services to the person claiming that he is a client.  Some formalities make this proof easier: written agreements, events involving explicit oral agreements, the non-existence of conflicts, etc.  However, those are not necessary conditions of the existence of an attorney-client relationship, as everyone knows.  Many of the foregoing propositions pertaining to C-L or L-C relationships are invoked, usually together with others, in legal reasoning about whether such relationships exist.  All or most of them have been invoked in this case in an attempt to vindicate the view that no such relationship existed between H & D and 4CC.  To be clear that these arguments are unsuccessful, I now turn to more specific discussions of the facts of this case alone.