Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D, J.D., Etc.

1300 West Lynn St. #208

Austin, Texas 78703

(o) 512-296-2594

(c) 512-656-0503


I.                  Claims-Made Policies In General
There is no substantial difference between these requirements in cyber policies and real world policies. All claims-made liability policies—including excess policies—begin with similar concepts. Some liability claims-made policies as originally written require that (i) the alleged injury asserted by the alleged victim against the insured and (ii) the claim for compensation against the insured must all occur during the policy period. In addition, the insured’s claim notification to the insurer must also occur during the policy period.  The requirement that the insured’s claim or notification to the insurer be in writing is often waived.
·         Most claims-made policies have a policy period lasting a year.  Some of the policies require that the injury causing event occurred during the policy period, along with the alleged injury, the claims against the insured, and notification to the insurer. This is a very difficult set of criteria to meetSeldom do that many things occur during a short period of time.
·         A second way a system specified in the contract might work is that the claim is something made by the person or entity asserting injury against the insured and the insured’s making that assertion known to the insurer within the policy period.  In this system, there is no requirement that the injury occur during the policy period. The injury would be required to occur during a specified retroactive period.  In other ways the date of the beginning of the policy period would remain the same. Retroactive periods are an add-on to a given policy that would be sold to the insurer to modify the base policy by lengthening it.
·         A third way for a policy to work is that the injury and the notice must both occur during the  policy period.  If this were the way the system worked, no claim would have to be filed during the policy period. The insured would simply be notifying the insurer of claims, which it believes may arise.
·         A fourth way for the contract-created system to work is that there is an extension period during which the claim and/or the reporting can happen after the policy period ends. This extension comes after the termination date of the basic policy.
·         A fifth way it might work is that there is an extension period “backward in time” so that at least one of the three events required—the injury, the claim, and the notice–can occur during that extension period.  Usually that is the alleged injury. 
A sixth way that the system might work is that there are extensions moving in both directions on the same policy. 
These time limits and specifications are common in both real-world policies and in the cyber-world. The expense is, obviously, to some extent at least, determined by the length of times specified in the extensions. Different extensions can involve different costs, and that can happen on the same policy.
Often in real-world policies the temporal size of the extensions is prima facie fixed by standard, antecedently existing forms. These do not exist in the cyber world, but each insurer will have its own forms. Of course, the extensions in real world appear in endorsements, and they can be further extended.   Extensions deviating from the generally received extension temporal specs found in the standard forms is on the rare side.
Something similar is true in cyber policies even without any industry-wide standardized forms. You would expect there to be more deviation here regarding extensions in policies, but that is not happening. The most reasonable guess is that there are not actuarial statistics to make assorted extensions more reasonably acceptable. The same standardized arrangements regarding extensions will, in the future, will likely evolve in the context of cyber-insurance as it already appears in the real world.  For one thing, most of the insurers producing cyber insurance policies also already produce real world policies, e.g., Chubb, St. Paul, some AIG companies, Travelers, Liberty Mutual, and others.
A carrier can refuse to extend any claims-made policy, just like any other policy. They can also renew the policy and refuse to renew either or both of the extension periods.  Sometimes contracts of insurance, whether real or cyber world, can impose contractual obligations on the insurer to renew coverage.  Obviously, all sorts of insurance policies, including cyber policies, have monetary policy limits; some reduce policy limits by defense costs; some have deductions; others have self-insured retentions, and there are yet other commonalities. (I have never seen an insurance policy of any kind without either deductions or self insured retentions.  I cannot recall running across a policy with both, but in theory that is possible.)

II.                Policy Structures: Cyber and Otherwise

For hundreds of years, contracts of insurance have had the same structures. They have not always been divided up in the same way, but they have been for maybe 100-150 years or more. Most of what is written here is as applicable to excess policies, of whatever level, as it is to primary policies. The structure of policies is quite simple:
(1)               Declarations. One or more sections explicitly stating what coverages are included in the policy, e.g., what perils are insured, who is insured, the upper limits on the policy, as already said, the deductible, i.e., how much will be taken off what the insurer will pay) or the self-insured retention (i.e., how much the insured must pay before the insurer has any obligations),[i] the price of the policy, the size of the policy, sometimes the name of the intermediary, and various miscellaneous information, e.g., email addresses, normal usable phone numbers, emergency numbers, and so forth, for the insured providing notice to the insurer.  In English language lingo, they are called “dec sheets” or “dec pages.”  
There is one substantively important point mentioned here; it concerns what professionals are insured under a policy.  Sometimes on dec sheets there are lists of what or who is insured. In cyber world policies, various kinds of classes of professionals insured are set forth. This can be very important for lawyers.
(2)               Insuring Agreements. There are one or more specifications as to what is insured, e.g., an insuring agreement, with a fully complete panoply of coverages, or a number of different insuring agreements, each with one or very few insured perils listed. The purpose of some of these insuring agreements is, as it were, to provide the insurance customer with a shopping basket. These divisions make no difference to the substance of the policy.
 Sometimes, real world policies, usually first party policies, are “all risk” policies, and others name the perils insured under the policy; sometimes there is one such peril, sometimes more.  In the universally established lingo of insurance, the latter type is called a “named peril policy.” This linguistic fact comes as a surprise to no one, nor does it matter. All cyber-policies are named peril policies; none of them purport to be an all risk policy, whether first-party or third party.
(3)               Package Policies, Another way in which cyber-policies are like real-world policies is that they can be “package” policies. In other words, they can list several insured perils, and the insured may be purchasing all of them, some of them, or some combination of them.  There might be some for liability coverage, and some for first-party coverage, or they might divide between first and third party in given policies but then have different first party perils in one of them and different third-party perils in the other. Cyber policies are now, at least quite often, package policies to some degree.
One bit of information found in the insuring agreements of cyber policies concerns how the insurer will compensate the insured. (i) Some parts of some cyber policies are “pay on behalf of” policies, e.g., when it comes to the costs of defense, but not other parts of the policy. This obligation can stretch out over a whole policy and sometimes it is restricted. (ii) Some sections of the same policy are reimbursement sections and some may be reimbursement policies all the way through.  There is no reason to doubt that some cyber-liability-policies are and will be formulated in terms of reimbursement even as to the duty to defend. Sometimes this is a good thing. If the insured has plenty of money, can afford paying for a defense, and wants to keep all of the policy limits for damages if they have to be paid at some time in the unpredictable future, then a reimbursement arrangement for the duty to defend may be rational. One can easily imagine such things applying to cyber-world liability policies. (iii) “We-will-pay” terms for setting forth the insurer’s duties are different yet; they may simply say the insurer “will pay” for XYZ, but it is not said when.
(4)               Definitions. All insuring agreements in cyber insurance policies use definitions. The amount and complexity of policy definitions is a distinguishable feature of cyber policies. Partly this is true because they are named policies, but there are other reasons, as well. As we shall see in the next bullet point all definitions used in insuring agreements are stacked.  To expand the point, in the last 100-150 years, all the policies I can remember, have used definitions.  As the decades have gone by, more and more definitions get used. Thus, as of now, absolutely all insurance policies are filled with and heavily depend upon definitions. Different signals in the insuring agreement call attention to them: bold letters, underlining, quote marks, italic, and perhaps others.  Cyber policies work the same way without exception.
  In cyber contracts of insurance, there are many more definitions than are usually found in real world policies—sometimes there are as many as 50 or more. These definitions are often quite complex, difficult to understand, and structured as stacks. Stacking means that one starts with the signaled definition; it is connected to one or more other definitions which define that definition; and those definitions are linked to even more definitions. This stacking can be very extensive.  Of course, there can be (and are) stacks in real-world policies, but there are not so many definitions in given stacks.  Fortunately, not all definitions are stacked or stacked to serious depths, but the definitions are always complex.
(5)                Exclusions. All insurance policies contain exclusions. In many 19th century policies, they were there but not named such.  Sometimes they were built into the description of the peril and that is still done; sometimes they were built into the definitions and that is still done. Like definitions, the use of exclusions is more lengthy and more numerous in cyber-policies than in real-world policies. By my observation, there may be as many as 50±, and the definitions used in them are often stacked.  As one might expect, some of the definitions found in cyber-policies are also found in real-world policies; this is true of both claims-made policies and others.  Here are several examples:
o   Deliberate conduct where the injury is itself intended
o   Serious criminal conduct
o   Pollution causation
o   Wartime injuries, and more.
(6)               Conditions. There is always a section for conditions.  Significantly, in the long existing common law of contract conditions are distinct from other provisions in insurance policies. They are not really statements of promised rights and duties.  They are simply descriptions of acts the insured must perform in order to qualify for coverage. It is not a breach of contract for an insured not to perform one of the requirements; the insurer has no right to performance; and the insured has no duty to perform.  Nevertheless, setting aside subtleties, conditions are often treated as covenants.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, since breaches of immaterial covenants by the insured do not end the insurer’s duty to perform.  This change has proved especially helpful in dealing with the most notable policy condition, the as-soon-as-practicable notice-to-the-insurer requirement.
            In any case, here are some conditions to be found in cyber policies. They may differ a bit from policy to policy, but not much, and many of them resemble the conditions to be found in real-world policies:
ü  Notice requirements explanations as to how to provide notice,
ü  information as to how losses of business income/profits (business interruption) are to be calculated,
ü  the conduct of legal actions against the insured,
ü  bankruptcy problems,
ü  subrogation matters,
ü  dispute resolutions clause (usually arbitration),
ü  requirement of mediation,
ü  mandatory appraisal (triggered more often by insureds that insurers),
ü  facts to be disclosed to the insurer by the insured during policy period,
ü  assignment matters, permissible waivers (usually none),
ü  cancellation (how-to + consequences),
ü  renewal matters,
ü  other insurance matters,
ü  that the application is to be included in the policy and
ü  is warranted to be truthful and so forth.
It is important to see that none of these conditions in a cyber policy is significantly different from that found in a conditions section in real-world policies. None is conceptually different.  Instructions on how to give notice in a complex high-tech case may be different from a simple requirement to give simple notice, but the basic ideas are the same. Though conceptually similar, specifications regarding the measurement of business interruption are different. That is quite often left unstated in detail; the foundation of that type of claim is different from most first-party contracts of insurance in the real world, where the foundation for all such claims is physical injury to tangible property, unlike what is required in the cyber world. 
Conditions are usually regulations of behavior. They do not usually say anything about the substance of the policy. They are probably not intended to do that.  Sometimes substantive matters can be “hidden” there, and often procedural matters have implications for substantive matters.
(7)               Extra Section(s). Sometimes there are extra sections. In one cyber-liability-policy I studied recently, there was an extra section devoted to the insurer’s duty to defend, emphasizing limits and exclusions, or what were in effect exclusions. These sections are nearly always found in liability policies, although they are sometimes formulated in terms of reimbursement rather than the insurer paying for the defense “on behalf of” the insured. That section of the policy was not to be found in the insuring agreement where it usually is, nor was there anything about that duty in the section containing definitions. I was and am puzzled by this organization.
Another matter which often occurs in a separate section is how loss adjustment is to be conducted.  These sections identify what insureds are to do about cooperating with adjusters and those on whom they depend, e.g., forensic types, accountants. 
Sometimes, instead of finding the duty to remediate, as much as reasonably possible, mentioned in the conditions section, it is to be found here. These clauses are usually quite brief, even in cyber policies.  This is true even though remediation may well be much more esoteric in dealing with cyber losses than with most real-world cases, even those involving complex physical destruction. 
Historically, there have been a considerable number of disputes about remediation matters; insureds are well advised to provide remediation plans to their insurers and try to get approval.  Often they will be neither approved nor rejected, and it will be said that it is for the insurer to determine what to do and how to do it.  The insured’s, having submitted a remediation plan to the insurer, can have later significant implications.
Yet another important matter that is often to be found in a separate section, if not the conditions section, is how to count the number of causes of loss, and how to think about situations when there are groups of different causes.  The reason this is important is that most cyber policies require that the relationship between cause and effect be “direct.”  Some try to count this as the cause being the sole cause of the effect.  This is nonsense, of course; the word “direct” has no such meaning.  Significantly, the word “direct” and “directness,” “result directly from,” and so forth are often not defined in cyber policies.

[If  enough is enough, perhaps there has already been a bit too much.  Still the reader should please keep in mind that Quinn Blogs are intended to be thought-stimulating [or, thought-provoking] tools only.  The are not intended to be perfected essays.  They are in-progress disquisitions only.  They are not essays polished to completion. Maybe another time.]

[i] Robin Pearson, INSURING THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: FIRE INSURANCE IN GREAT BRITAIN, 1700-1850 (2004). (Note in wrong place.)0