
Anthony T. Kronman, THE LOST LAWYER–Yesterday and Today

Kronman’s Ideal Lawyer: Lawyer-Statesman First Essay Michael Sean Quinn(See the end for more) Nota bene: There will be updates, e.g., one on 1/23/15, How should the very best lawyers be conceived?  What is the essence of the legal profession at its highest level...

Legal Ethics: Its Multidimensionality–A Short Introductory Quasi-Philosophical Approach

LEGAL ETHICS: NINE OF ITS DIMENSIONS The phrase "legal ethics" should be thought of as a concatenation of different interconnected ideas, sources, and outlooks. In this regard when the phrase "professional responsibility" is used in relationship to lawyers...


 I started working on first-party insurance claims in the early 1980s.  I have been collecting data and literature on insurance adjusting, i.e., claims handling, ever since.  A fair amount of it is collected, explicated, and criticized in a couple of my essays from...

THE GOOD LAWYER , Part VI – Realism

Douglas O. Linder & Nancy Levit. THE GOOD LAWYER: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law. Oxford University Press, 2014, with an enormous bibliography to be found in the footnotes. My exposition, commentary and critique will be presented in severalparts. This one...


Douglas O. Linder & Nancy Levit.  THE GOOD LAWYER: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law. Oxford University Press, 2014, with an enormous bibliography to be found in the footnotes. My exposition, commentary, and critique will be presented in severalparts. This...

Cyber Insurance Policies and Their Characteristics

Some Significant & Representative Cyber Insurance Cases:  Second Period & Its Dénouement There are not very many reported cyberinsurance cases, as was already noted in my account of the First Period, PartI,  published today. There...


Douglas O. Linder and Nancy Levit.  THE GOOD LAWYER: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law. Oxford University Press, 2014, with an enormous bibliography to be found in the footnotes. My exposition, commentary, and critique will be presented in several parts. This one...

The Happy Lawyer, Introduction–Part One: Orientation

Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D, J.D., Etc. 2630 Exposition Blvd  #115 Austin, Texas 78703 (o) 512-296-2594 (c) 512-656-0503 Preface  There are lots of books and articles focusing on a whole array of "happiness topics":  how to think...

The Very Unhappy Lawyer-Part Zero

Let us start with an oft-made assumption in the social "science" of happiness studies and advising. The idea is that there is a "happiness set-point" for each person. A point, and therefore that "point" is "set" in the sense that it does not change. That's the reason...

The Happy Lawyer: Recommendations & Advice

Some General Approaches Part IIIA I. Preface I will say a number of critical things about this part of THE HAPPY LAWYER. I ask the reader to be clear about who or what I am criticizing here. I admire much of the book and, I think, all the work of the Authors. My...


Assholes: What Are They? Michael Sean Quinn* "ASSHOLES: A THEORY" is the title of a short book by Aaron James, a professor of philosophy at the University of California Irvine. He published it in 2012 (Doubleday). It is a significant effort in what might be called...

Quinn Quotes

Asserting a proposition one believes in a certain situation and asserting its opposition in a substantively different situation, is not necessarily inconsistent. Neither one, taken alone or together, entails advocacy.~Michael Sean Quinn, PhD, JD, CPCU, Etc.Tweet

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Michael Sean Quinn, PhD, JD, CPCU, Etc*., is available as an expert witness in insurance disputes and other litigation matters. Contact