Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D, J.D., Etc.
2630 Exposition Blvd  #115
Austin, Texas 78703
(o) 512-296-2594
(c) 512-656-0503

1.      Lawyers (“Ls”) may not lead or permit their clients (“Cs”) to believe that they are substantially more experienced or competent than they are.[1]  For that matter, L may not let C believe that he has even a moderate amount of experience or knowledge that he does not have. Leading a client to believe a false proposition is misrepresentation and may be fraud.  Permitting a client to believe a false proposition which is important is inconsistent with loyalty and trustworthiness―as affirmative causation thereof―and therefore a breach of a lawyer’s fiduciary duty to his client.

2.      Ls should never represent or assert any relevant and significant false propositions to Cs.[2]  This proposition applies to all sorts of representations, including:

                                          i.            bills and fees.

                                          ii.            the probable results in a case.

                                        iii.            the probable worth of a case, including the probable amount of
recoverable damages, and

                                        iv.            so forth.
The less justification or evidence L has for making an assertion, the less likely it is that he should make it, although certainly the more important it is that he be extremely clear about his epistemic uncertainties, lack of evidence,  presence of hopeful guesswork, and so forth.  

3.      L should never make, cause to be made, or permit to be made in his name statements about a client or former client which he knows or believes to be false or falsifiable.

4.      L may not represent clients with conflicting interests without obtaining their informed consent after adequate disclosures and discussions.  

                                            i.            This includes situations in which C1 is financing all or part of L’s representation of C2.

                                          ii.            There are other types of conflict, of course, if L has a business relationship with C, this may create a special conflict.  It would certainly have to be disclosed to a judge who was to or who had approved the client-attorney relationship.  It would also have to be disclosed to any other client involved in the same case.

5.   L should never falsely represent to C1 that it is prudent and    reasonable to represent C2 when it is not.  This rule is especially powerful when L has reason to believe that this may not be a good idea.  It has even more power when L knows such to be the case.

6.   In litigation, a lead lawyer must rationally evaluate the value of the case.  This requires evaluating or determining to some reasonable and appropriate degree (i) the probability of winning, (ii) the probable size of the judgment, (iii) the probability of collecting if there is a win, (iv) from whom there can be recovery if there is more than one defendant, and (v) how much can be collected, both individually and totally.  Informing C of alternative reasonable and fact-based, if possible, hypotheses (or, points of view) regarding these kinds of matters is also required to the extent possible, but there must be some sort of unequivocal recommendation as to what L reasonably believes is in the best interests of the client (considered by himself alone)―given the client’s knowledge, economics, finances, budget, view of the world, preferences, personal (or entity) orientation, and character,  together with the financial situations of each of the defendants.[3] Significantly, P-6 is linked closely to P-2.iii.

7.   The preceding principle (P-6) applies both to actual persons and to organizations, such as corporations and limited partnerships, which are legal persons.  It also pertains independently to each client involved in the same dispute.

8.   If no P-6 type evaluation is possible, L must inform the client that s/he[4] does not know the answer and cannot come to know it.  Why this inability is true must be reasonably explained to C.  Obviously, if the opposing side is concealing or refusing to produce relevant evidence, this fact in itself can be an important premise in drawing relevant conclusions.  Often, if the opposing side is concealing economic information, traces of this activity or diagnostic behavior can be discerned.

9.   L should never convince C, try to convince a client, or even suggest to C that a case should be pursued which L believes cannot be won, is unlikely to be won, or cannot serve the personal interests of the client.[5]  Exit by a party from given litigation is almost always an option, as is immediate resolution by some settlement or other means.  This rule applies with enormous force to high-cost-to-the-client cases.  (The rule is less forceful in contingency fee cases where L is bearing the expenses, although it still applies, for various reasons.)  If C wants to spend—what many would call “squander”—money on a loser case just to illustrate justice or to seek retribution or vengeance, L should help C understand exactly what he is doing and what the consequences of his pursuit will and will not be.  This is one of the duties of L, the wise adviser.

10. As enormously important as P-9 is, it is even more important that L refrain from instituting or continuing litigation because it is in L’s interest, when it is not in the interest of C.

11. Unnecessary or irrelevant parties should not be sued by Ls representing Cs that are plaintiffs or counter-plaintiffs, and if such parties have been sued, they should be dismissed when their lack of involvement becomes clear.  Contrary conduct by L is inconsistent with L’s duties to C, as well as his legal and professional duties.

12. And, of course, all the probably necessary plaintiffs should be included in original pleadings and/or amended pleadings, if possible.  Here L obligation to include X as a plaintiff results either from X’s voluntary consent or C’s control rights over X.

13. Usually, all probably blameworthy, responsible, and/or liable parties should be included as parties by L representing a plaintiff. (There are exceptions, of course).

14. In litigation, L should proceed upon all appropriate legal theories, avoid all inappropriate ones, seek all legally appropriate and needed remedies, and avoid seeking illegitimate or legally unjustifiable remedies.  Here are some examples.

 i.   If recovery hinges on negligence, it is inappropriate to sue for fraud.
ii.      If recovery hinges on the unlawful diversion and hence deprivation of corporate asserts, then an action should proceed on that basis.

iii.    A P-14.ii type action should not be pursued on the basis of stockholder recovery.  Corporate assets do not themselves belong to the individual stockholder, who has no standing to recover them.

iv.    The same point is true with respect to corporate opportunities.  They belong to the corporation, not the shareholders.[6]

v.      If there are preemptive rights, clients should be advised about them, and violations of them should be pursued in a timely manner.

vi.    If a receiver is needed in an action involving corporate assets and governance, a receiver should be sought.

15. L may not charge C unreasonable fees.  Stated fees, at least for plaintiffs, can be unreasonable because they are unnecessary, because they are false, because they result from overstaffing, or because they are substantially out of kilter with the value of a case, the experience and level of ability of the lawyer (which has been disclosed), the degree of complexity of the case, the difficulty of the tasks performed at C’s direction or with C’s antecedent consent, and/or the perceived value of a case.

16. Bills must be informative and understandable.  The same point applies to reports designed for clients.

17. P-15 applies to both amounts and structures.  Thus, if L’s fees must be approved by a judge, L may not charge C in ways inconsistent with that obligation.  This duty runs to the bench, the bar, and the client.  See P-20.

18. L may not factor accounts receivable from clients.  If L is falsely accused of this by C, L has a duty to C to immediately deny the “charge” and to try to convince C that his charge is false.

19. L. must himself or see to it that all legal fees are reasonably explained to every client who is paying any of those particular fees, absent an explicit, explained, and informed agreement to the contrary.  (This has not always been true, but it has been true for a long time).

20. If court approval is ordered for legal fees, it must be obtained, before the C is charged.  A violation of this rule leads to the charging of unapproved fees and that is inconsistent with―for example―utmost loyalty, fidelity, and good faith.

21. L must always act reasonably in the rendition of legal services.  Unreasonable and causally significant conduct (or the unreasonable absence thereof) is shameful to the lawyer who has engaged in those acts or omissions and to be condemned by all rational observers.[7]  Unreasonable conduct is often generated by unreasonable beliefs, inattention, overwork, laziness, negative emotions, greed, the need for more money, and/or prideful narcissism.
22. Reports to clients, including estimates of recoverable damages, are a form of legal services and so are included within P15 and governed thereby. See P-16.

23. If L fails to evaluate accurately the potential for recovery and/or actual monetary loss in a given case, L has very probably been unreasonable in conducting that case.  All such evaluations must be communicated clearly, comprehensively, with reasoning to C.

24. Usually, agreements between opposing counsel should be documented, often by jointly signed agreed instruments.

25. In conducting a lawsuit, L must perform (or cause to be performed) adequate research and must think both clearly and comprehensively—as well as skeptically, and hence with appropriate and acknowledged uncertainty―about the course and meaning of the law.  See P-14.

i.        One on the functions of an associate-level lawyer (La) is to perform such research and at least begin the process of thinking legal problems through.

ii.   La is also expected to know or find out applicable rules of procedure, and the simpler or more elementary the rule, the truer P-23.ii is.

iii.  Of course, partner-level lawyers are expected and required to supervise as well as train associate level associates.

26. If L1 uses L2 to assist him in litigation, L2 must not only be capable of    reasonable performance under the circumstances of the case, L1 needs to bring L2 up to speed. The mistakes of L2 are those of L2 and L1. 

27. If La or L2 come to realize that L1 is mistreating C, treating C inappropriately (given applicable rules of professional conduct), treating C illegally, or violating his fiduciary duties to C, La and/or L1 must notify C.  Given the fiduciary duties of La and L2 to C, they would even be required to notify C of L1’s malpractice regarding C.

28. L is expected to turn over all components of C’s file to C upon C’s request.  L may keep copies, of course, but at L’s expense (at least if the request occurs at the end of the client-attorney relationship).  L may never resist or refuse turning C’s file materials over to C when L has or has access to the materials.  The mere fact that the papers in question are poorly done or condemn L does not justify L’s refusal.  (There are exceptions to this rule of course: hurricanes, tornados, floods, 9/11 type acts of terrorism, and so forth).

29. What L1 considers his file is actually the property of C.  C has an absolute right to the entirety of this file.  If L2 later representing C requests the file on behalf of C, L1 must promptly turn the whole of it over to L2. Of course, these are not all the principles available for judging and/or evaluating lawyer conduct.  There may even be others relevant to this case.  However, given what I do and do not yet know, the above is enough for now.

[1] See this began as my contribution of a note book for a CLE presentation.

[2] Indeed, Ls should never lie to Cs about anything.  See Michael Sean Quinn, The Eleven Commandments of Professional Responsibility, in THE ETHICS COURSE 54-102 (6th Ed. 2004).  This textbook was edited mostly by Beryl Crowley and Mitchel L. Winick and published by The Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism.  It is still distributed (I think) by CD to a course required by the Supreme Court for new Texas lawyers.  This is Quinn’s Commandment Two formulated somewhat narrowly.  It is not only a principle of professional responsibility; it is also a fiduciary duty.  (There is also an hour long lecture on Commandment Two available on the website of the Center. It is part of a series of 11 or so separate videotaped lectures, given by me, prepared by the Center, and concerning the 11 different commandments.) Various versions of “The Eleven Commandments” can be found on this blog, on the internet and elsewhere.

[3] Often, insurance is integral to this last point.  The type of insurance is also relevant.  Thus, cases which should be settled must be settled more quickly if a malpractice policy is central, since they have declining limits.

[4] Henceforth, I shall simply use the pronoun “he,” with the understanding that its use here is gender neutral.

[5] Obviously, the idea of personal interest includes the idea of financial interests, although many other matters are usually also important.

[6] Of course, a shareholder derivative action is a different matter, but that is really a suit on behalf of the corporation.

[7] See Id. at 141-79.  This principle is one way to formulate the tort of legal malpractice.