USAA v. Menchaca, 545 S.W.3d 479 (Tex. 2018)


Principally for my own benefit, I have written what some might regard as an extended outline and discussion of the Supreme Court’s three opinions in the rehearing version of its positions in the Menchaca case. My disquisition consists of eight “Quinn’s Parts.”

Given below is a map through the various parts. The “titles” listed here do not correspond exactly to the titles that appear on the first pages of the various parts. The ones given here are intended for immediate guidance only. 

Those who react to what I have written and posted as part of this series, are invited to comment and criticize, thereby furthering my horizontal and vertical education.  What has been written and posts are my responsibility only. No one else in any way associated or partnered with me bears any at all. All of it was pondered and written by me and on my watch alone. 

Readers may note that the posting of this series began on April 13, 2020, two years to-the-day after the opinions were entered. 

The phrase “Quinn’s Part One is abbreviated QP#1, and so forth.

QP#1: Clean Up Court CreatedConfusions as to Statutory Bad Faith
QP#2: Insurance Contract and Statute
QP#3: “New” Substantive Rules–The “Big Five”
QP#4: Jury Verdict and Post Verdict Motions and Decisions
QP#5: Trial Judge’s Disregard of Q & A #1
QP#6: Dissenting Opinion
QP#7: Hecht’s Brilliant and Very Short Opinion
QP#8: A Speculation

Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D., J.D., C.P.C.U., Etc.
2112 Hartford Rd.
Austin, Texas 78703
(512) 656-0503